We arrived at the venue at 8 AM after leaving home at 5.30 AM with no real idea what to expect. Unlike other SteamPunk gigs we hadn't had a face to face meeting and a look at the venue. The weather was dreadful and the event was going to be outside by the sea. The plan was for Darren to work as a compare for the stage during the day and I would perform close up magic for the families with some balloon modelling. Then in the evening we would both bring our own brand of elegant magic to the tables of the Grand Steampunk Ball in the Wintergarden theatre. Then on the next day we would again perform our duties in the day time and finish around 5 pm.
Our fears were unfounded. The weather cleared up, the bands showed up and brought the crowds. Not many at first but it soon began to really fill up. I realised I would have trouble performing with the bands still running and so switched to mainly working with balloon modelling.
Some thoughts on balloon work.
Multi Balloon models may cost more in time and materials, but look amazing.
That said my one balloon Monkey rocks.
A hand pump is tiresome but not particularly slow.
I know a surprising amount of models now but want to learn more. In particular I want a good multi balloon dog Because....
Simple models are the hardest. There's less going on to give the final impression of what you've made.
To this end I've located a good source of balloons and will spend my soon to arrive free time on learning more balloons alongside more magic.
Other events helped make the day a success. The bands were all superb ( I mean it not a single dud in the lot of them) and were incredibly professional. Darren performed his special magic of making material pear out of thin air for the band change overs. Umbrella fencing (at which I truly rock) and tea duelling also wowed the crowds. We need to make our own umbrella fencing for when "Steampunk Shenanigans" can't make an event. (and practise at it and become superb brollymen).
After a feast of chips (seaside resorts always have great fish and chip shops) we assembled at the Winter Garden Theatre for the grand ball. I changed into a less steampunk but posher looking waistcoat. I really should make more outfits for these events. The organizers laid on a great night with burlesque, bands our favourite Steampunk DJ and even a corner set up were people could have their picture taken in an actual Time Machine.
I was loaded up "Once Upon a Time" and my usual repertoire of card effects. The gig at Seven Droog Castle reawakened a passion for adding class and enchantment into my work, a touch of elegance.
My first table was a young lady sitting by herself. I introduced myself, asked her for her name and asked if I may join her for a brief moment. I asked of she enjoyed fairy tales like I did,and then proceeded to perform "Once Upon A Time". She said it felt like a truly magical experience and it was a beautiful story. That set the pace of the night. I performed "Cartomancy" with a variation and spend a lovely session performing al my mentalist routines to a psychologist.
The next day suffered from poor weather, however the crowds still came and I used up just about every balloon I had on me! I also performed more magic and finished the day using "Once Upon A Time" again to cheer up a lady who looked like she was having a bad time of things. It worked and I left feeling like a true magician. Using slight of hand and story telling to create a real feeling of magic in people.