The longest I've gone between blogs, but it's been a packed month. I traveled to Germany for massive goth convention and saw some of the most amazing costumes. I also performed a little and tested out a wonderful 18th century styled piraty waistcoat. The waistcoat was designed and made by a good friend and was specifically made with the storage of effects in mind. the pockets are perfectly possitioned to store two packs of card in each and to reach them whilst sitting down.
I also travelled to Nottingham to see my friend Nick. He's simply a fantastic magician, many times better than myself. He showed me some fantastic self working effects as well as showing me some of the gimmicks and gaffs he's gotten lately. He also helped me with a few colour changes.
On the subject of gimmicks and gaffs I finally found the time to create my own
Darkside Deck. The deck and dvd are created by
Lucas and costs around £20 and is worth it. You get a deck a marker and a dvd showing many different effects that you can do. However for each effect you have to mark up the deck a different way. So to do all the effects you need to spend a few hundred pounds or make your own decks up. Instructions are given for this but Lucas tries to put you off saying that it wont work as well as the deck in the pack. This may well be the case but writing does not show up that well on a blue back bicycle deck and so many of the tricks stand a 50-50 chance of not being suitable for which ever deck you get. The effect from my home made deck is great for teen/horror magic. You tell a story about a serial killer who left a blood encrusted card at the scene of each crime./ You mention that the blood on the card was not the victims but that of a previous victim. You then fan the deck face down and let the spectator select a card. You slide the card still face down next to them and flip the deck and fan it face up. the cards look normal. You then ask the spectator to turn over their card to reveal the card is covered in blood.
Reaction From adults and mid teens alike the spectator gets a little freaked out. Certainly works even better when built up over a few minutes. So far I think it's been worth the time taken to make the deck. Will probably present one to the local Sinister Magician as it suits his style as well as using it maybe on a tarot deck whilst providing some entertainment during the interlude of a play I'll be working in October. (the play is about the greatest and most illusive of historical figures in magic, Leopold Thorn)