A quick post before the new years eve beer kicks in. January should be stressful. I've got a lot to prepare and very little cash. However I have TIME. In the past money has had to compensate for not spending time preparing for gigs and shows. (quickly buying an expensive new effect or buying cards I didn't need because I hadn't had time to sort through what I had). I start the year with some stunning additions to my arcane library. Books mainly on performance, but I still have a few DVD's of effects I've not fully gone through. And so despite being broke I look forward to the next year with a joyful heart. I'm still entertaining my extended family for the next few days (a shame as New Years Day has typically been very productive for me, magically speaking).
Thursday the 4th will be a day of rest,Friday the 5th is when I'll try to hit the books. As well as improving my magic I'll be doing as everyone else does and try to improve diet and exercise. I have to start seeing my health as part of my magical business. The fitter I am the better I'll perform whilst gigging.
So to sum up the year, it's been stressful but productive, the future is pretty bright. Hard work to come certainly, but hard work that I enjoy.
Happy New Year internet.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Going back to my roots.
Well the show is over (and I'm still having people come up to me in the street raving about how good it was). My latest final weding dress is finished (i can quite making wedding dresses any time I want, honest, I'm not addicted or anything). Now I can concentrate on close up magic. I only have one gig booked so far for this year, but have a few leads and so am not too worried. In the coming months my only concerns are a wedding fare where myself, Darren and H will pimp ourselves as magicians for hire, and the Magic Circle audition. Whilst I loved doing the show I know that close up magic is where I'll be making the bulk of my living from. Preparing for the show helped my over all magical development and will certainly make me a better magician, but now I can focus on the magic that will become my livelihood.
In the last month I've had a few opportunity to try out my repertoire. A bar in a far off town whilst waiting for Inge and at our local goth night. At the strange bar I was just organizing my magic case when the barmaid asked to see some tricks. A quick ambitouse card and wee wee mentalist later and she wanted a business card for her boss and 3 guys by the bar wanted cards for wedding etc. I don't know if these leads will go anywhere but it was nice to wow people and a good confidence booster.
At Electr[o]crasy I ended up returning to my magical roots, I initially by chance but then by design. I went loaded with "Twilight Angels", "Wee Wee mentalist" and a deck prepped for gambling tricks. Now when people asked how I got into magic the answer s a little muddled. Why is simpler. The how, well I started with a Svengali deck and a deck with a picture back so I could perform simple mentalism. I then read "Absolute Magic" by Derren Brown. I was about 8 years away from a double lift but I learnt to use the tools I had and invoke genuine wonder using the philosophy in "Absolute Magic". I guess I've been concerned with the "how" of an effect latly instead of working on my presentation. I put Wee Wee away and just used Twilight Angels to begin with. Then the bar maid wanted to see some magic and even learn some. I was going to teach her a very simple key card effect. I held her hand and run it over a spread out face up deck, pretending to divine her card by reading her muscle movements. She freaked out! this was too powerfull to give away.
So my plan is this. Rest at the end of the week, re-read absolute magic and look at the effects I know. Then work on what I THINK makes a magician a magician the week after.
Basic vanishing abilities (look at my impromptu magic DVDs)
Presentation abilities (The Show Doctor, Absolute magic, Scripiting magic)
Impromptu card magic (Impromptu Card magic DVD)
Non card magic (sponge ball, cup and ball, rope).
After this time I hope to start forming a plan for my magic circle audition.
watch this space :)
In the last month I've had a few opportunity to try out my repertoire. A bar in a far off town whilst waiting for Inge and at our local goth night. At the strange bar I was just organizing my magic case when the barmaid asked to see some tricks. A quick ambitouse card and wee wee mentalist later and she wanted a business card for her boss and 3 guys by the bar wanted cards for wedding etc. I don't know if these leads will go anywhere but it was nice to wow people and a good confidence booster.
At Electr[o]crasy I ended up returning to my magical roots, I initially by chance but then by design. I went loaded with "Twilight Angels", "Wee Wee mentalist" and a deck prepped for gambling tricks. Now when people asked how I got into magic the answer s a little muddled. Why is simpler. The how, well I started with a Svengali deck and a deck with a picture back so I could perform simple mentalism. I then read "Absolute Magic" by Derren Brown. I was about 8 years away from a double lift but I learnt to use the tools I had and invoke genuine wonder using the philosophy in "Absolute Magic". I guess I've been concerned with the "how" of an effect latly instead of working on my presentation. I put Wee Wee away and just used Twilight Angels to begin with. Then the bar maid wanted to see some magic and even learn some. I was going to teach her a very simple key card effect. I held her hand and run it over a spread out face up deck, pretending to divine her card by reading her muscle movements. She freaked out! this was too powerfull to give away.
So my plan is this. Rest at the end of the week, re-read absolute magic and look at the effects I know. Then work on what I THINK makes a magician a magician the week after.
Basic vanishing abilities (look at my impromptu magic DVDs)
Presentation abilities (The Show Doctor, Absolute magic, Scripiting magic)
Impromptu card magic (Impromptu Card magic DVD)
Non card magic (sponge ball, cup and ball, rope).
After this time I hope to start forming a plan for my magic circle audition.
watch this space :)
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
The Show!
Hard to imagine that I started this blog being able to JUST do a double lift, and now I'm preparing for the Magic Circle and have completed a stage show. However I was more of a co-pilot in the stage show. Darren was the main drive behind it (I write this for my own records and not just because Darren reads this). As I blogged earlier in the year Darren suggested we do a stage show and I went along for the ride. We had 6 months. Now if we worked as hard in the 6 months as we did n the last two weeks we could have sold out Vegas. We'd also bee dead from exhaustion two weeks and one day in.
The initial idea of the show was a steam punk re imagining of the Golden Age of Victorian Stage Illusion . Darren came up with the title of "Inventions of the Impossible". I think this title really did get across what we were aiming for. We started collecting ideas and even props, a zig zag cabinet was designed (by Darren), a levitation kit was purchased (mainly by Darren, a little from me) and we sat down to look at some ideas for scenes. We naturally formed two pairs of magicians, Darren and me, and S and H. Darren and I already had a good working stage effect with the laser pen reveal (something I'm very proud of). Darren used his script writing prowess and came up with scripts for the zig zag and the levitation. He discounted the levitation as it would be too long. During the 6 months we didn't manage to meet up with H and S much and so Darren and I were focusing on our own bits, but hit on the idea of making a Sphinx Cabinet illusion for H. (this is where a table has a disembodied head on it, but you can see through the table legs). As time marched on we were looking for illusions we could build that were quick, cheap but effective. Darren had the idea of "the Witches Broom" rope escape. I hit on the idea of using a hat stand for the illusion.
We started losing time fast. The zig zag was left in order for the Sphinx to be finished. I helped where I could, driving around and generally holding bits of wood, but Darren was left doing most of the actual work. All this time We were working on ideas for the scripting of our bits. I'd spit ball ideas out with Darren, both feeding off each other's energy, then Darren would go away and turn the babel into a script. I REALLY need to learn more about scripting. I think I'll be settling down with "Scripting Magic" by Pete McCabe this month.
S and H had a script but had no way to perform the illusion they wanted to do. We found this out with a few days before the show. Luckily we managed to work out the mechanics of it in a few minutes. With all this going on we barely got a few posters out, we had to rely on word of mouth and the internet to get the word out. I explained on-line that the show was a homage to the Victorian Illusions where each routine consisted of a few minutes of comedy or dram and ended in a magical effect.
Darren also produced a short film to be shown before act one and at the end of act one. This meant we had a LOT of time filled, over two and a half hours of material it seemed.Show day came and we were making final adjustments to some of the illusions (it was the first time they'd been moved so we were expecting a little tightening and loosening to be required). Right before the show we found it was a sell out! We headed into the audience to do some close up, I found out that many people were expecting a modern magic show with trick after trick! I hoped we could sway them over.
The first half of the film got many many laughs and seem to get everyone into the mood. Then our introduction, a 5 minute comedy routine. Again the comedy was going down very well. Then it was my solo act, a simple speech about why I got into magic followed by a routine of my children's magic retold for grown ups. I noticed sometimes that what makes me want to buy a magic effect is the feeling of enchantment the promotional video gave. This had as much to do with the backing music as the effect itself. So I got H to sort me out with some Harp Music. I stuck to the script for my magical journey at the beginning, but went off piste. Some people seemed to well with emotion, so I think I got the tonne right. I broke into my comedy children's magic, which again spell bound a lot of people. I did add two effects at the last second (I literally found them in my pocket) I shouldn't have added them without telling Darren as I over ran, badly. He forgave me but he did warn me another director who didn't know me would be VERY put out. I just wanted to add a few extra quick effects in for the people who came to us expecting lots more effects.
They were all received very well which shocked me. The "milk Auto go" isn't a bad effect but I felt it lacked something, but it got a massive reaction.
The Silk Tube also was revived very well and the Vanishing Coke bottle got a very strong reaction.
I finished on "Diminishing Milk". which seemed a natural way to finish a routine all about three magical fluids (hard work, concentration and imagination)
The rest of the night was hectic but flowed well. The laser reveal had it's best reaction EVER. Darren's speech as did H's had the audience hanging onto their every word (Darren's even got quoted on twitter). We didn't have time to block and go through the big finish, which was only the second time all four of us were on stage. The illusion worked, and it worked very well, and all the lines went well, it was more moving the props, but we covered it with comedy so well that many people thought it was all planned.
The only criticisms really were to do with projection. Darren was fine, some people struggled to hear me at times at the back, and S and H suffered from the same problem. I think it's time to look at radio mikes. A week before the show if you asked me if I'd do it again I'd had said no chance, but seeing how well it worked together on the night has made me realize the pain was worth it.
The initial idea of the show was a steam punk re imagining of the Golden Age of Victorian Stage Illusion . Darren came up with the title of "Inventions of the Impossible". I think this title really did get across what we were aiming for. We started collecting ideas and even props, a zig zag cabinet was designed (by Darren), a levitation kit was purchased (mainly by Darren, a little from me) and we sat down to look at some ideas for scenes. We naturally formed two pairs of magicians, Darren and me, and S and H. Darren and I already had a good working stage effect with the laser pen reveal (something I'm very proud of). Darren used his script writing prowess and came up with scripts for the zig zag and the levitation. He discounted the levitation as it would be too long. During the 6 months we didn't manage to meet up with H and S much and so Darren and I were focusing on our own bits, but hit on the idea of making a Sphinx Cabinet illusion for H. (this is where a table has a disembodied head on it, but you can see through the table legs). As time marched on we were looking for illusions we could build that were quick, cheap but effective. Darren had the idea of "the Witches Broom" rope escape. I hit on the idea of using a hat stand for the illusion.
We started losing time fast. The zig zag was left in order for the Sphinx to be finished. I helped where I could, driving around and generally holding bits of wood, but Darren was left doing most of the actual work. All this time We were working on ideas for the scripting of our bits. I'd spit ball ideas out with Darren, both feeding off each other's energy, then Darren would go away and turn the babel into a script. I REALLY need to learn more about scripting. I think I'll be settling down with "Scripting Magic" by Pete McCabe this month.
S and H had a script but had no way to perform the illusion they wanted to do. We found this out with a few days before the show. Luckily we managed to work out the mechanics of it in a few minutes. With all this going on we barely got a few posters out, we had to rely on word of mouth and the internet to get the word out. I explained on-line that the show was a homage to the Victorian Illusions where each routine consisted of a few minutes of comedy or dram and ended in a magical effect.
Darren also produced a short film to be shown before act one and at the end of act one. This meant we had a LOT of time filled, over two and a half hours of material it seemed.Show day came and we were making final adjustments to some of the illusions (it was the first time they'd been moved so we were expecting a little tightening and loosening to be required). Right before the show we found it was a sell out! We headed into the audience to do some close up, I found out that many people were expecting a modern magic show with trick after trick! I hoped we could sway them over.
The first half of the film got many many laughs and seem to get everyone into the mood. Then our introduction, a 5 minute comedy routine. Again the comedy was going down very well. Then it was my solo act, a simple speech about why I got into magic followed by a routine of my children's magic retold for grown ups. I noticed sometimes that what makes me want to buy a magic effect is the feeling of enchantment the promotional video gave. This had as much to do with the backing music as the effect itself. So I got H to sort me out with some Harp Music. I stuck to the script for my magical journey at the beginning, but went off piste. Some people seemed to well with emotion, so I think I got the tonne right. I broke into my comedy children's magic, which again spell bound a lot of people. I did add two effects at the last second (I literally found them in my pocket) I shouldn't have added them without telling Darren as I over ran, badly. He forgave me but he did warn me another director who didn't know me would be VERY put out. I just wanted to add a few extra quick effects in for the people who came to us expecting lots more effects.
They were all received very well which shocked me. The "milk Auto go" isn't a bad effect but I felt it lacked something, but it got a massive reaction.
The Silk Tube also was revived very well and the Vanishing Coke bottle got a very strong reaction.
I finished on "Diminishing Milk". which seemed a natural way to finish a routine all about three magical fluids (hard work, concentration and imagination)
The rest of the night was hectic but flowed well. The laser reveal had it's best reaction EVER. Darren's speech as did H's had the audience hanging onto their every word (Darren's even got quoted on twitter). We didn't have time to block and go through the big finish, which was only the second time all four of us were on stage. The illusion worked, and it worked very well, and all the lines went well, it was more moving the props, but we covered it with comedy so well that many people thought it was all planned.
The only criticisms really were to do with projection. Darren was fine, some people struggled to hear me at times at the back, and S and H suffered from the same problem. I think it's time to look at radio mikes. A week before the show if you asked me if I'd do it again I'd had said no chance, but seeing how well it worked together on the night has made me realize the pain was worth it.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Magic Circle Interview
Last Monday I took a day off from getting ready for the show and headed into London. IT was time for my interview to join The Magic Circle. Having the show to worry about meant I was pretty calm about the interview (I had bigger concerns in my head) but I was still determined to do a good job. Normally when I take a trip to London I spend all day wondering Camden or the museums. However I didn't want to risk thrashing my body so close to show day soi I opted to just head straight to The Circle. I arrived 2 hours early and settled in to a pub around the corner. I spent some of the time going over lines for the show and some of the time running through the tricks I would show at my interview.
I popped along to MCHQ (magic Circle Head Quarters) a little early and was surprised to find the door open. I assumed that because the public events started at 7.30 that the club nights also started at 7.30. But no, it's open from before five with free tea and coffee until 5.30. Just as I got myself a cup of tea and started to gather my thought Chris Woods came in. Chris has been at the Circle every time we've been to a show. He's always friendly and always helpful. He sat down and just said "well young man, lets session". I find it hard to explain the feelings I had of being so readily accepted . I sat down and showed him "Wee Wee Mentalist". Now I'm rather proud of my take on this effect and was surprised that Michael Vincent thought it was merely "good" when he saw it. Chris seamed to have the same verdict. I followed up with "twilight Angels" and this is where I was surprised. He seemed blown away by it!. I like Twilight Angels but didn't think it was THAT powerful, at least when I did it. however Chris seamed to think quite the reverse, he saw the effect on you tube and didn't think much of it, but found it very powerful in my hands. Which I suppose just goes to show we don't know our own strengths and weaknesses.
My interview was more of a questionnaire than an interview. Interesting questions included who my idols were, why I wanted to join the magic circle and where do I see myself in magic in a few years time. A little disappointed that I was asked HOW i got into magic and not WHY (I did ask for clarification saying the WHY was better-I did have a little speech on that subject for the show-)
I was deemed "Competent" and given a date for my exam/audition. Now the work begins. I need magic that will impress magicians. My original idea of using the stick man motive was given a warm reception, but the idea of a card trick being a 2 dimensional cabinet illusion was a little too complicated for the magicians I spoke to. The evening was rounded off with a lecture by David Roth, a master coin Magician. Decided his work is worth exploring as he has some very good non gaff methods (gaff coins being expensive and hard to find in UK denominations) or and cake from Fae Presto!
I popped along to MCHQ (magic Circle Head Quarters) a little early and was surprised to find the door open. I assumed that because the public events started at 7.30 that the club nights also started at 7.30. But no, it's open from before five with free tea and coffee until 5.30. Just as I got myself a cup of tea and started to gather my thought Chris Woods came in. Chris has been at the Circle every time we've been to a show. He's always friendly and always helpful. He sat down and just said "well young man, lets session". I find it hard to explain the feelings I had of being so readily accepted . I sat down and showed him "Wee Wee Mentalist". Now I'm rather proud of my take on this effect and was surprised that Michael Vincent thought it was merely "good" when he saw it. Chris seamed to have the same verdict. I followed up with "twilight Angels" and this is where I was surprised. He seemed blown away by it!. I like Twilight Angels but didn't think it was THAT powerful, at least when I did it. however Chris seamed to think quite the reverse, he saw the effect on you tube and didn't think much of it, but found it very powerful in my hands. Which I suppose just goes to show we don't know our own strengths and weaknesses.
My interview was more of a questionnaire than an interview. Interesting questions included who my idols were, why I wanted to join the magic circle and where do I see myself in magic in a few years time. A little disappointed that I was asked HOW i got into magic and not WHY (I did ask for clarification saying the WHY was better-I did have a little speech on that subject for the show-)
I was deemed "Competent" and given a date for my exam/audition. Now the work begins. I need magic that will impress magicians. My original idea of using the stick man motive was given a warm reception, but the idea of a card trick being a 2 dimensional cabinet illusion was a little too complicated for the magicians I spoke to. The evening was rounded off with a lecture by David Roth, a master coin Magician. Decided his work is worth exploring as he has some very good non gaff methods (gaff coins being expensive and hard to find in UK denominations) or and cake from Fae Presto!
Monday, November 19, 2012
One hectic month
I've not blogged in the last month. I've been too busy doing magic!
The magical month can be broken down into five parts;
2 kids shows
THE stage show
The magic circle.
Dickensian call
Burlesque evening
The 2 kids shows were food for thought. I've made some improvments to my show after the last kids show.
1) A water proof mat under where I perform so I don't need to worry about spillage
2) a second table for storing props untill needed
3) a bowl to just quickly throw wet props into
The first gig was for 20 kids at a naming ceremony (like a christening). I was booked to do a show and some close up. I set up, made my table look all magicy with the pros that it'#s safe to examine on display and kept everything else out of reach of little hands. I performed close up as the kids came in for their food, then gathered them around and
The kids seamed very quiet during the show. The parents later d said they thought it was wonderful that they were so well behaved but I was worried about the lack of energy. The kids later though told me they really liked it. one huge snag though. I've designed my vanishing coke bottle routine so I shrink a coke bottle, vanish it and the kids find it's been replaced with loads of coke bottle sweets. As I prepared for the grand finale I was shocked that I revealed NO coke bottles. I improvised a finale finish and moved onto balloons. It turned out whilst I kept the kids away from the props when my back was turned some grown ups decided to take them apart, and steal the sweets. I was VERY angry as they seemed unbothered that they had spoilt the kids fun. I explained to the person who hired me what had happened and explained just how much time was cut short by thier actions. SHe was rightly annoyed.
I left slightly bummed out. The theft bothered me but I was worried by the lack of energy. I realised my balloon animal work, whilst improving needs more practice and more variety and speed, Time to look into an electric pump.
The second kids gig wasn't much better. I set up as before, adding plasma balls because I knew these kids and I knew they liked them., it was a joint birthday party and one of the girls was a repeat customer. The second birthday girl was a problem, as one one boy. ALL The kids LOVED the close up. how I WISHED I kept it to close up! with the close up i was as cool as Dynamo (their words not mine). The plasma balls MAY have been a mistake, they got the kids too wound up. Most kids seemed to be patient and enjoy the show except the problem birthday girl and the boy. They kept saying BORING, and I KNOW THIS ONE and then ACTUALLY say EXACTLY how it was done, apparently they saw it all on youtube. Then the inevitable happened, they saw a trick they could not explain (diminishing milk) then she just started screaming out total nonsense and complaining, they didn't think it was fair. After the show I went back to close up, but hen my back was turned the boy went into my magic stuff (I've lost my lazer pointer, and a load of blank cards)
Good points though, the close up after the platform show was loved again. One kid interrupted my 4 card trick by yelling "he's using the Elsmly count" My first reaction was to panic, but I released he didn't say what the Elmsly count was. This kid was 10 and knew of it though. I asked him if he saw the count or if he just knew the trick, He told everyone he knew the trick, that the move I MUST be using was so good he couldn't actually see it, he also told everyone he wouldn't tell them how it was done. So basically a good kid after all :)
So summing up. Tweo kids shows that did not go as planned. I think my show workls great from ages 3-8, but after that I need to change things. I have no kids shows booked for a while now so I have time to take the show apart and rebuilt it, better stronger (but not faster). So some thoughts for the futre, what was different THIS time around
In both gigs;
No once upon a time
Ballons came out last in first gig, no balloons in second
kids had less energy
Maybe i need to do ballons first after all, or somthing that gets the kids excited AS A GROUP as opposed to small close up groups
I'll blog about the show, the burlesque and the magic circle later in the week
The magical month can be broken down into five parts;
2 kids shows
THE stage show
The magic circle.
Dickensian call
Burlesque evening
The 2 kids shows were food for thought. I've made some improvments to my show after the last kids show.
1) A water proof mat under where I perform so I don't need to worry about spillage
2) a second table for storing props untill needed
3) a bowl to just quickly throw wet props into

The kids seamed very quiet during the show. The parents later d said they thought it was wonderful that they were so well behaved but I was worried about the lack of energy. The kids later though told me they really liked it. one huge snag though. I've designed my vanishing coke bottle routine so I shrink a coke bottle, vanish it and the kids find it's been replaced with loads of coke bottle sweets. As I prepared for the grand finale I was shocked that I revealed NO coke bottles. I improvised a finale finish and moved onto balloons. It turned out whilst I kept the kids away from the props when my back was turned some grown ups decided to take them apart, and steal the sweets. I was VERY angry as they seemed unbothered that they had spoilt the kids fun. I explained to the person who hired me what had happened and explained just how much time was cut short by thier actions. SHe was rightly annoyed.
I left slightly bummed out. The theft bothered me but I was worried by the lack of energy. I realised my balloon animal work, whilst improving needs more practice and more variety and speed, Time to look into an electric pump.
The second kids gig wasn't much better. I set up as before, adding plasma balls because I knew these kids and I knew they liked them., it was a joint birthday party and one of the girls was a repeat customer. The second birthday girl was a problem, as one one boy. ALL The kids LOVED the close up. how I WISHED I kept it to close up! with the close up i was as cool as Dynamo (their words not mine). The plasma balls MAY have been a mistake, they got the kids too wound up. Most kids seemed to be patient and enjoy the show except the problem birthday girl and the boy. They kept saying BORING, and I KNOW THIS ONE and then ACTUALLY say EXACTLY how it was done, apparently they saw it all on youtube. Then the inevitable happened, they saw a trick they could not explain (diminishing milk) then she just started screaming out total nonsense and complaining, they didn't think it was fair. After the show I went back to close up, but hen my back was turned the boy went into my magic stuff (I've lost my lazer pointer, and a load of blank cards)
Good points though, the close up after the platform show was loved again. One kid interrupted my 4 card trick by yelling "he's using the Elsmly count" My first reaction was to panic, but I released he didn't say what the Elmsly count was. This kid was 10 and knew of it though. I asked him if he saw the count or if he just knew the trick, He told everyone he knew the trick, that the move I MUST be using was so good he couldn't actually see it, he also told everyone he wouldn't tell them how it was done. So basically a good kid after all :)
So summing up. Tweo kids shows that did not go as planned. I think my show workls great from ages 3-8, but after that I need to change things. I have no kids shows booked for a while now so I have time to take the show apart and rebuilt it, better stronger (but not faster). So some thoughts for the futre, what was different THIS time around
In both gigs;
No once upon a time
Ballons came out last in first gig, no balloons in second
kids had less energy
Maybe i need to do ballons first after all, or somthing that gets the kids excited AS A GROUP as opposed to small close up groups
I'll blog about the show, the burlesque and the magic circle later in the week
Saturday, October 20, 2012
A visit to the Magic Circle
This is written VERY late after a VERY long day in London. During the day I performed "wee Wee Mentalist" and "twilight angles" with a deck stacked to perform each one after another. These both packed a large punch with those I performed to.
The circle vist had two purposes,. One to witness some world class magic, the other to hand in our forms to join up. The performers were Michael Vincent, Will Houstoun, Robert Pound and Franco. Michael Vincent was as elegant as ever, and the magic of Robert Pound was enjoyable and showed why he was one of the most booked workers out there.
Michael Vincent performed spectacular fluid and elegant magic. A demonstration of "the Professors nightmare" that has made me want to grab my magic books and rope and expand my range. He also included a few comments to one of his effects just to freak out magicians. Just as Paul Daniels baffled us by passing the hoop over a levitating girl just once MR. Vincent freaked us out by demonstrating that a trick we've seen before and KNEW used an invisible deck did NOT use an invisible deck that time. We spoke to him afterwards and he was very happy that we noticed this as he'd been in debate with another magician about weather or not he needed to demonstrate this.
I got a chance to chat to Michael Vincent at the end of the night and ask his advice for the examinations. I asked him to sit through a quick trick and to tell me if i was pitching at the right level. I performed wee we mentalist. HE did seam to genuinely enjoy the effect, I asked for his input. His suggestion was to place that in the middle, to finish on a strong closer and to do something to catch attention in the first 30 seconds. HE also spoke of classics of magic, and how a classic is a classic for a reason. He said a classic performed with my own personal twist would be good addition to a set and impress the examiners, At this point Robert Pound joined us. I spoke of my plan to perform the "4 card trick" with a little stick man and they both agreed this would be a good example of a classic reworked.
So next step. List all I can do, find out how long i have to perform for, time myself and work out a structured routine with what I have. And then look at additional material, robe magic, cups and balls etc. It may sound odd to build a routine and then take bits out for new material, but his way I will be ready to go with little prep, and can slowly improve this set as opposed to waiting until I master something new, rushing to learn and still not having a clear vision of what i want to do for my audition.
Time to hit the books and que the montage music
The circle vist had two purposes,. One to witness some world class magic, the other to hand in our forms to join up. The performers were Michael Vincent, Will Houstoun, Robert Pound and Franco. Michael Vincent was as elegant as ever, and the magic of Robert Pound was enjoyable and showed why he was one of the most booked workers out there.
Michael Vincent performed spectacular fluid and elegant magic. A demonstration of "the Professors nightmare" that has made me want to grab my magic books and rope and expand my range. He also included a few comments to one of his effects just to freak out magicians. Just as Paul Daniels baffled us by passing the hoop over a levitating girl just once MR. Vincent freaked us out by demonstrating that a trick we've seen before and KNEW used an invisible deck did NOT use an invisible deck that time. We spoke to him afterwards and he was very happy that we noticed this as he'd been in debate with another magician about weather or not he needed to demonstrate this.
I got a chance to chat to Michael Vincent at the end of the night and ask his advice for the examinations. I asked him to sit through a quick trick and to tell me if i was pitching at the right level. I performed wee we mentalist. HE did seam to genuinely enjoy the effect, I asked for his input. His suggestion was to place that in the middle, to finish on a strong closer and to do something to catch attention in the first 30 seconds. HE also spoke of classics of magic, and how a classic is a classic for a reason. He said a classic performed with my own personal twist would be good addition to a set and impress the examiners, At this point Robert Pound joined us. I spoke of my plan to perform the "4 card trick" with a little stick man and they both agreed this would be a good example of a classic reworked.
So next step. List all I can do, find out how long i have to perform for, time myself and work out a structured routine with what I have. And then look at additional material, robe magic, cups and balls etc. It may sound odd to build a routine and then take bits out for new material, but his way I will be ready to go with little prep, and can slowly improve this set as opposed to waiting until I master something new, rushing to learn and still not having a clear vision of what i want to do for my audition.
Time to hit the books and que the montage music
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
the other two gigs.
The second of my three gigs was a freebie for the premier of a film. Death the Film was being shown in Colchester and I, along with my friends, was asked to go along and perform some close up to the crowds. Whilst I took along my close up case I actually packed a very limited selection on me. Serial Killer (from the Dark Side Deck), Wee Wee mentalist (as an ice breaker) Cartomancy and twilight angels. I felt VERY relaxed at this gig. Not so relaxed as to not want to do well, just sure I was up to the task at hand. This gig was only hours after the high energy kids party but I was confident the body would hold out on me. I walked causally up to small groups, introduced myself and performed a small set. I think I felt less pressure because I knew the crowd and also knew that people only expected a few minutes of magic. I picked material around the subject of Death and Fate. This gave me an instant opener. The approach is typically the tough part of the job, but here because everyone was gathered for one goal, and that goal was entertainment around a certain subject I felt the ice had already been broken.
Twilight Angels proved itself once again. This effect is certainly a keeper. It brings genuine enchantment into the mix. I may try some other effects that have what a cynic may call 'mushy' feel.
After the film we went to our regular drinking den (where many magicians hang out. The cast of the film were also there and Harvey and I spent the night entertaining them and waxing lyrical on the nature of magic, true magic, bizarre magic and film. A good night where interestingly the magic was more like a seasoning, an extra twist on the conversation. I just played around forcing and tracking cards, sort of performing jazz with magic. Most enjoyable.
A few days after this I perform the third gig in this sequence. A free gig again at a local school. WOW. TO begin with the teacher was VERY receptive and appreciative. this makes a big difference to my confidence. Also I had a SECOND table for prop storage. I NEED a second table for putting stuff on! I had to device a simple trick to teach the kids, so I created my own version of the misers dream, but this came at the end of the show. These kids were 5, so card magic was out. It was the wrong place for my new found Balloon magic skills. I had an hour and a half to fill. This would have left me looking like a bunny in head lights but I am now a lot more confident in making the most of my material.
Following the teachings of David Kaye I used as much participation as possible. The Auto Milkgo glasses performed well, but as before the Diminishing Milk proved amazing value for money, as did the magic colouring book. The appearing flowers delighted the kids, in fact two girls kept asking at every opportunity when I would be giving them to the teacher. The vanishing coke bottle also performed well. However I need to tweak it, sealing in some liquid for good. A job for next week when I'm preping for my next show. Over all this show went incredibly well. I want to learn more classical magic to work into these situations, I performed a classic cup and balls routine and it went down well enough, but I think some coin work or sponge balls would have flipped the kids out.
So what have I learnt?
I can be quite charming to adults when I want to be
Magic is not the be all and end all to being entertaining
jazz magic is fun and good for confidence
From the kids
Need to tweak coke bottle
Current routines are good, BUT a days study with seriously silly will improve things
Over all. Happy to be learning new magic and using new magic. Next update a bit about theory and new effects.
Twilight Angels proved itself once again. This effect is certainly a keeper. It brings genuine enchantment into the mix. I may try some other effects that have what a cynic may call 'mushy' feel.
After the film we went to our regular drinking den (where many magicians hang out. The cast of the film were also there and Harvey and I spent the night entertaining them and waxing lyrical on the nature of magic, true magic, bizarre magic and film. A good night where interestingly the magic was more like a seasoning, an extra twist on the conversation. I just played around forcing and tracking cards, sort of performing jazz with magic. Most enjoyable.
A few days after this I perform the third gig in this sequence. A free gig again at a local school. WOW. TO begin with the teacher was VERY receptive and appreciative. this makes a big difference to my confidence. Also I had a SECOND table for prop storage. I NEED a second table for putting stuff on! I had to device a simple trick to teach the kids, so I created my own version of the misers dream, but this came at the end of the show. These kids were 5, so card magic was out. It was the wrong place for my new found Balloon magic skills. I had an hour and a half to fill. This would have left me looking like a bunny in head lights but I am now a lot more confident in making the most of my material.
Following the teachings of David Kaye I used as much participation as possible. The Auto Milkgo glasses performed well, but as before the Diminishing Milk proved amazing value for money, as did the magic colouring book. The appearing flowers delighted the kids, in fact two girls kept asking at every opportunity when I would be giving them to the teacher. The vanishing coke bottle also performed well. However I need to tweak it, sealing in some liquid for good. A job for next week when I'm preping for my next show. Over all this show went incredibly well. I want to learn more classical magic to work into these situations, I performed a classic cup and balls routine and it went down well enough, but I think some coin work or sponge balls would have flipped the kids out.
So what have I learnt?
I can be quite charming to adults when I want to be
Magic is not the be all and end all to being entertaining
jazz magic is fun and good for confidence
From the kids
Need to tweak coke bottle
Current routines are good, BUT a days study with seriously silly will improve things
Over all. Happy to be learning new magic and using new magic. Next update a bit about theory and new effects.
Monday, October 15, 2012
three weeks, but three gigs
Quite a while since the last update, but much has occurred. I'm going to put this up as three or maybe even 4 blogs over coming days. Why? 3 gigs, a few insights, much happening. Why the delay? I spent 10 days being quite ill. During this time I was focusing on my paid work for Fabric8 . And since then I have been playing catch up on the Fabric8 work.
So GIGS. IN the last post I spoke of a gig at a wedding where I was engaged to entertain predominately the children. I have a saying, actually i's more like a pseudo religious Gregorian chant. "gig's begit Gigs". I impressed the Magiian there for the grown ups quite a bit it seems, he hired me to enterain the kids at his son's party. This wa VERY short notice, one week. But I had the kit and I was good to go so I decided to just go for it.
I rocked up a little too early, thanks to a pessimistic sat nav. This wasn't awkward as he was a nice guy, though it may have diminished the impact of my arrival on his kids. For birthday parties at home I'll endeavour to show up a little early but not TOO early. I was all set to use my new Balloon skills as well as all my new shiny kid's props. All worked well, Diminishing milk should be singled out for special praise. That's one hard working prop. I bore in mind all that Silly Billy says in his book on performing for kids and asked the kids questions every moment I could, interacting with them and empowering them. At the end of the show the kids were VERY happy as were the grown ups. So things I learnt.
2- Arive a little early but there is a thing as TOO early
3- I need to put something on the floor in case of spills (since found some waterproof table cloth with a star pattern
4- The table is unstable, it needs to be less wobbly, I also need a second table for storage.
From this gig iI got ANOTHER gig. Gigs beget gigs. HOWEVER Kids parties beget kids parties. I like performing kids magic, it's fun and rewarding but not at the expense of grown up parties that pay enough for me to work less, and allow me to explore other magic.
So GIGS. IN the last post I spoke of a gig at a wedding where I was engaged to entertain predominately the children. I have a saying, actually i's more like a pseudo religious Gregorian chant. "gig's begit Gigs". I impressed the Magiian there for the grown ups quite a bit it seems, he hired me to enterain the kids at his son's party. This wa VERY short notice, one week. But I had the kit and I was good to go so I decided to just go for it.
I rocked up a little too early, thanks to a pessimistic sat nav. This wasn't awkward as he was a nice guy, though it may have diminished the impact of my arrival on his kids. For birthday parties at home I'll endeavour to show up a little early but not TOO early. I was all set to use my new Balloon skills as well as all my new shiny kid's props. All worked well, Diminishing milk should be singled out for special praise. That's one hard working prop. I bore in mind all that Silly Billy says in his book on performing for kids and asked the kids questions every moment I could, interacting with them and empowering them. At the end of the show the kids were VERY happy as were the grown ups. So things I learnt.
2- Arive a little early but there is a thing as TOO early
3- I need to put something on the floor in case of spills (since found some waterproof table cloth with a star pattern
4- The table is unstable, it needs to be less wobbly, I also need a second table for storage.
From this gig iI got ANOTHER gig. Gigs beget gigs. HOWEVER Kids parties beget kids parties. I like performing kids magic, it's fun and rewarding but not at the expense of grown up parties that pay enough for me to work less, and allow me to explore other magic.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Kids gig At a Wedding
I'm writing this at very near 1 AM. The gig kicked off at 6 and went on until 11. I'm SHATTERED but very happy and content . The kids, and their parents loved it. I've done kids gigs before, but they were either close up small gigs, or attached to a wedding gig. This was a case of me keeping a GROUP of kids occupied and happy for hours. I decided I needed more kids props AND balloon animals.
New Props
Diminishing Milk, Auto Milkgo, Okito Glass, Mirror Glass Pro, A Magic Change Bag with Zipper, and a Vanishing Coke Bottle. I also took some old props, My Combo Cup and Balls, MY trust Crystal Tube a Silk Vanish, 3-way colouring book and deck Prepped with Wee Wee Mentalist and The Four Card Trick . I also got some Modelling Balloons, A DVD, Balloon Magic Made Easy, and A mentalist routine using balloon animals, The Balloon Detective.
I began by forming a routine centred around a magical fluid. This fluid could shrink and grow. I demonstrated this using the Diminishing Milk cups. This fluid then solidifies into a silk handkerchief which is then shrunk and teleported via party popper into someone's shoe. Traditionally milk is used in these effects, however I opted for red juice. This was in part because I knew I'd be in one spot for a long time and didn't want the milk to smell, but also I had red silks and so wanted to keep the colours consistent. This routine lasted for around 15 minutes with a LOT of ad-libbing.
However we have the thorny subject of balloons. I spent a few days working on them, and I'm no grand master but I can do them ow, great:). A magazine article said to leave the balloons until last as the kids will go crazy when they see them and you'll be doing balloons for ever. I made the mistake of giving a boy a monkey before I set up. He was upset and his dad had to take him out of the speeches until he stopped crying. Good deed yes, but it meant every kid hommed in on me and wanted balloon animals at the start. My Magic show was a balloon show for an hour! The Balloon Detective went out the window, the kids were too hyper to focus. Afterwards things calmed down and I went into the magic, doing my fluid routine. Then the Crystal tube. This involves tying knotted in handkerchiefs just by blowing through the tub, Brilliant. Using the information from Seriously Silly by David Kaye and his DVD Seriously Silly Live this can be a VERY funny routine. However inspiration hit RIGHT before my first attempted. Why blow through the tube when you can BLOW A RASPBERRY! AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!
I settled the kids down on the floor and performed "Once Upon A Time" by Guy Hollingworth. Wow. all the kids were enchanted and every grown up was looking on, smiling and in awe. That routine got BOTH photographers wanting my card so they could recommend me to other weddings. The grown ups were enraptured by the story and the magic as well.
Over all My performances were loved by kids and grown ups. the grown ups marveld at how well I hand;led the kids. This sounds very unmodest I know but words can't convey just how often parents and staff came up to me to tell me this, and how they thought the greatest magic was the ability to enchant their kids. It made me realize this is the right path for me, not just the kids magic, but all magic. The Magician for the grown ups was great. I rung him before hand to chat and make sure I didn't step on his toes. I was worried he'd be arrogant or awkward but he was lovely. He is a member of the Magic Circle and told me just by chatting that he thought I'd be good enough. I hit him with Wee Wee Mentalist and Twilight Angels. He loved them and assured me I'd meet the standard all ready. He also made a big deal of how well I handled kids and grown ups. He liked me so much he booked me:)
So What have I learnt.
As I knew before I have a knack for magic and can enchant ANY audience.
Kids grab stuff (I knew this) I REALLY need to sort out a way of having things on hand without the kids grabbing them
For a moment I thought I busted my balloon pump. I fixed it but it shows I need a spare.
I have the skills and knowledge to keep kids occupied for 4 hours! I don't need more stuff, I just need to hone hat I have :)
My ability to ad-lib is one of my strongest assets.
New Props
Diminishing Milk, Auto Milkgo, Okito Glass, Mirror Glass Pro, A Magic Change Bag with Zipper, and a Vanishing Coke Bottle. I also took some old props, My Combo Cup and Balls, MY trust Crystal Tube a Silk Vanish, 3-way colouring book and deck Prepped with Wee Wee Mentalist and The Four Card Trick . I also got some Modelling Balloons, A DVD, Balloon Magic Made Easy, and A mentalist routine using balloon animals, The Balloon Detective.
I began by forming a routine centred around a magical fluid. This fluid could shrink and grow. I demonstrated this using the Diminishing Milk cups. This fluid then solidifies into a silk handkerchief which is then shrunk and teleported via party popper into someone's shoe. Traditionally milk is used in these effects, however I opted for red juice. This was in part because I knew I'd be in one spot for a long time and didn't want the milk to smell, but also I had red silks and so wanted to keep the colours consistent. This routine lasted for around 15 minutes with a LOT of ad-libbing.
However we have the thorny subject of balloons. I spent a few days working on them, and I'm no grand master but I can do them ow, great:). A magazine article said to leave the balloons until last as the kids will go crazy when they see them and you'll be doing balloons for ever. I made the mistake of giving a boy a monkey before I set up. He was upset and his dad had to take him out of the speeches until he stopped crying. Good deed yes, but it meant every kid hommed in on me and wanted balloon animals at the start. My Magic show was a balloon show for an hour! The Balloon Detective went out the window, the kids were too hyper to focus. Afterwards things calmed down and I went into the magic, doing my fluid routine. Then the Crystal tube. This involves tying knotted in handkerchiefs just by blowing through the tub, Brilliant. Using the information from Seriously Silly by David Kaye and his DVD Seriously Silly Live this can be a VERY funny routine. However inspiration hit RIGHT before my first attempted. Why blow through the tube when you can BLOW A RASPBERRY! AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!
I settled the kids down on the floor and performed "Once Upon A Time" by Guy Hollingworth. Wow. all the kids were enchanted and every grown up was looking on, smiling and in awe. That routine got BOTH photographers wanting my card so they could recommend me to other weddings. The grown ups were enraptured by the story and the magic as well.
Over all My performances were loved by kids and grown ups. the grown ups marveld at how well I hand;led the kids. This sounds very unmodest I know but words can't convey just how often parents and staff came up to me to tell me this, and how they thought the greatest magic was the ability to enchant their kids. It made me realize this is the right path for me, not just the kids magic, but all magic. The Magician for the grown ups was great. I rung him before hand to chat and make sure I didn't step on his toes. I was worried he'd be arrogant or awkward but he was lovely. He is a member of the Magic Circle and told me just by chatting that he thought I'd be good enough. I hit him with Wee Wee Mentalist and Twilight Angels. He loved them and assured me I'd meet the standard all ready. He also made a big deal of how well I handled kids and grown ups. He liked me so much he booked me:)
So What have I learnt.
As I knew before I have a knack for magic and can enchant ANY audience.
Kids grab stuff (I knew this) I REALLY need to sort out a way of having things on hand without the kids grabbing them
For a moment I thought I busted my balloon pump. I fixed it but it shows I need a spare.
I have the skills and knowledge to keep kids occupied for 4 hours! I don't need more stuff, I just need to hone hat I have :)
My ability to ad-lib is one of my strongest assets.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Fantastic wedding gig in Colchester Minories
Last night was my first ever solo wedding gig. It felt odd planing the day without having my fellow magicians in Colchester on hand. The brief for the gig was to provide entertainment for the kids at the beginning of the party and then move on to entertaining the grown ups. This would be very interesting. The last time I did this at a wedding the grown ups were a little shocked. They first saw me as a kids magicians and hence thought I wouldn't be very good. Of course I know I'm good enough for the grown ups, and in fact personally don't see any difference in skill level between performing for adults and performing for kids, at least not the way I perform for kids. So either I would be fighting against the presumption I was no good which may negativity colour my efforts, OR I would have the element of surprise! I felt confident it would be the later.
I knew I would only have to keep the kids quiet for a little while, so I practised Once Upon A Time", "Cup &Balls" ,"Crystal Tube and Hankie Tie". I was very annoyed with myself as I love my favourite thumb tip and hanky and had to buy replacements on the day. I took along a few toys, the "Magic Flying Wand" and some magnets left over from the kids show.
For the grown ups I made a strong decision not to be carrying hundreds of decks with me. I had strayed away from my initial idea of 2 decks, one set up for mentalism type effects and the other for gambling. I've returned to this idea. Tricks with gaff decks to have a LOT of punch BUT normally take a while to set up again and can't be used for anything else. I came to realise I was hiding behind these decks, afraid my own personality was not enough to drive the magic. I had lost confidence and if I did not do something about it my magical career would be sliding down the path of becoming a "co co the clown with his amazingly dull self working tricks". However it would be foolish to ignore these effects interiorly. I became to see these effects as "smart bombs" or "Special Weapons" from the old computer games. Powerful tools that invariably had a cool down time, or a very small limit to the number you had. In short these effects would be my secret weapons, only one carried at a time in my back pocket, and brought out when needed.
Red pack of cards in the RIGHT pocket for RAPPORT style effects.
Set for
"Here then there", "Do as I Do", "Direct mind Reading" With my Invisible Deck ready and Cartomancy set up in my Waistcoat pockets
And then in my card clip as an ice breaker, Wee Wee mentalist.
I arrived 40 minutes before the guests and set up. The kids came first. They were well behaved and VERY excited to have a real magician there. I quickly realised long effects were out, they wanted to see a quick trick, run around and then see another (they were outside). If we were indoors then I think a more organised magic show would be best BUT in this environment I was acting like a regular close up magician. |They ALL Loved "wee Wee Mentalist" and "twilight Angels" they really wanted the signed cards. They also played with my Juggling Balls. Speaking of balls, the Cups and Balls were well recived, but they were all too hyper for the longer effects.
This was an amazing night for my magic :) I introduced myself to 3 people standing, kicked off with wee wee mentalist. They were enthralled. A couple on a table near us were watching, So I brought them in onto the act, using the rapport deck. Started with here then there, then Do as I do, Decided against mind reading and went straight for "Out of This World" Minds Blown.
Next up a group of younger guys. They loved wee wee mentalist. I decided to go for direct mind reading before the gambling deck. I realised that I never use the gambling deck really apart from ambitious card so decided to give it a go. I was quite insecure and actually said they may be able to work it out, but it's a neat way to cheat at cards. No worries, they were blown away as well. Finished with ambitouse card, again freaked out.
Thus it went on, people happy to take what I gave them, the young guys loving the gambling and the more challenge type magic (ambitious card for example) the girls loving the rapport. Cartomancy was used twice, both times loved. As the evening went on I switched to the Special weapons. Serial Killer actually freaked out 2 girls (they dropped the card in shock). I made up for it with Twilight Angels which was universally accepted as a purely lovely effect.
Round up. Performed for many types of people and had "something for everyone" .
I lost my juggling balls. Point of interest, they don't cost much BUT I am in business now so can't afford to treat loosing £5 lightly. Must have a better system for storing magic if there are kids about.
Need to sort out how I get paid well in advance.
I no longer fear your ladish type guys. They want to see something cool. I can deliver with ease.
The idea of treating a trick deck as a special weapon works. They are great to use after I've been around with regular decks for a while and have already introduced myself.
I am not "being humoured" people were genuinely thrilled and amazed and enchanted. I can perform MY kind of magic, people respond well to it
Over all. Bloody amazing night
I knew I would only have to keep the kids quiet for a little while, so I practised Once Upon A Time", "Cup &Balls" ,"Crystal Tube and Hankie Tie". I was very annoyed with myself as I love my favourite thumb tip and hanky and had to buy replacements on the day. I took along a few toys, the "Magic Flying Wand" and some magnets left over from the kids show.
For the grown ups I made a strong decision not to be carrying hundreds of decks with me. I had strayed away from my initial idea of 2 decks, one set up for mentalism type effects and the other for gambling. I've returned to this idea. Tricks with gaff decks to have a LOT of punch BUT normally take a while to set up again and can't be used for anything else. I came to realise I was hiding behind these decks, afraid my own personality was not enough to drive the magic. I had lost confidence and if I did not do something about it my magical career would be sliding down the path of becoming a "co co the clown with his amazingly dull self working tricks". However it would be foolish to ignore these effects interiorly. I became to see these effects as "smart bombs" or "Special Weapons" from the old computer games. Powerful tools that invariably had a cool down time, or a very small limit to the number you had. In short these effects would be my secret weapons, only one carried at a time in my back pocket, and brought out when needed.
Red pack of cards in the RIGHT pocket for RAPPORT style effects.
Set for
"Here then there", "Do as I Do", "Direct mind Reading" With my Invisible Deck ready and Cartomancy set up in my Waistcoat pockets
Blue Deck, Left Pocket Gambling magic
Four Site, Big Deal, Aces High. (then ambitious card)
Secret Weapons. Cheek to Cheek, Serial Killer, Dark Side, Twilight Angels.
And then in my card clip as an ice breaker, Wee Wee mentalist.
The Event.
I arrived 40 minutes before the guests and set up. The kids came first. They were well behaved and VERY excited to have a real magician there. I quickly realised long effects were out, they wanted to see a quick trick, run around and then see another (they were outside). If we were indoors then I think a more organised magic show would be best BUT in this environment I was acting like a regular close up magician. |They ALL Loved "wee Wee Mentalist" and "twilight Angels" they really wanted the signed cards. They also played with my Juggling Balls. Speaking of balls, the Cups and Balls were well recived, but they were all too hyper for the longer effects.
The grown ups.
Next up a group of younger guys. They loved wee wee mentalist. I decided to go for direct mind reading before the gambling deck. I realised that I never use the gambling deck really apart from ambitious card so decided to give it a go. I was quite insecure and actually said they may be able to work it out, but it's a neat way to cheat at cards. No worries, they were blown away as well. Finished with ambitouse card, again freaked out.
Thus it went on, people happy to take what I gave them, the young guys loving the gambling and the more challenge type magic (ambitious card for example) the girls loving the rapport. Cartomancy was used twice, both times loved. As the evening went on I switched to the Special weapons. Serial Killer actually freaked out 2 girls (they dropped the card in shock). I made up for it with Twilight Angels which was universally accepted as a purely lovely effect.
Round up. Performed for many types of people and had "something for everyone" .
I lost my juggling balls. Point of interest, they don't cost much BUT I am in business now so can't afford to treat loosing £5 lightly. Must have a better system for storing magic if there are kids about.
Need to sort out how I get paid well in advance.
I no longer fear your ladish type guys. They want to see something cool. I can deliver with ease.
The idea of treating a trick deck as a special weapon works. They are great to use after I've been around with regular decks for a while and have already introduced myself.
I am not "being humoured" people were genuinely thrilled and amazed and enchanted. I can perform MY kind of magic, people respond well to it
Over all. Bloody amazing night
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Kids Festivale AGAIN :)
Today I made my yearly pilgrimage to the Kids festival. This year was very different. IN past years I was a wondering magician, going up to groups to perform small sets and then doing an extended section in the "Story Tent". I had no place as such and just soaked up the atmosphere and performed where I wished. This year I was helping with the science demonstrations. I set the program, I decided what I did. I still planned on performing magic though. I envisioned throwing my tent open to a hoard or two of kids several times during the day in-between bouts of walking and performing magic. NO SUCH LUCK. I let a few friends see a demo at 11 am, as they left some kids came in, then more then more then more! I asked someone for the time and it was 4.30pm! It felt like an hour. I performed my "Mad Science" section non stop for five and half hours! The kids loved it, and the parents were very impressed with how well I handled question and controlled the crowd. I even managed to get through to some kids on the autistic spectrum without any difficulties. My equipment got a little scuffed, but it was worth the £10 I spent to see how well science blends with magic. I belive I'll also get some gigs out of this as well.
Inge says I seemed slightly subdued and tired when she came by at the close of the day. I was there for 20 hours later than I normally do the show. But I think I missed performing magic a little, and certainly missed going from group t group to perform. Whilst the approach can be nerve raking I think I enjoyed soaking up the high energy of the festival. Instead I was kind of shuttered away in my tent. The experiment worked better in the tent than in an open area though, so next your I may just supervise the science and run around doing magic, OR devise experiments that work outdoors.
Overall a rewarding day though. Once Upon A time came out to play in the story tent and had it's best ever reception. The main lesson from the day is one I learnt before. I have a great knack with kids and there are a lot more kids parties than adult. Adult parties pay better, but the sheer volume of kids parties mean they are a market base I can not ignore. Over all, fantastic tirring day.
Inge says I seemed slightly subdued and tired when she came by at the close of the day. I was there for 20 hours later than I normally do the show. But I think I missed performing magic a little, and certainly missed going from group t group to perform. Whilst the approach can be nerve raking I think I enjoyed soaking up the high energy of the festival. Instead I was kind of shuttered away in my tent. The experiment worked better in the tent than in an open area though, so next your I may just supervise the science and run around doing magic, OR devise experiments that work outdoors.
Overall a rewarding day though. Once Upon A time came out to play in the story tent and had it's best ever reception. The main lesson from the day is one I learnt before. I have a great knack with kids and there are a lot more kids parties than adult. Adult parties pay better, but the sheer volume of kids parties mean they are a market base I can not ignore. Over all, fantastic tirring day.
Friday, August 17, 2012
free kids gig
As mentioned last week I was invited to perform at a mini 'village fete'. A retro event with home made lemonade. I figured that seeing as this was in the school holiday I#'d be doing kids magic for a wide age range and the odd grown up. I guessed the audience rather well. I left prepping up a little close to the day (as I always do) but managed to pack everything I needed. I sat down and worked through "Once Upon a Time" for the first time in a while and was delighted to find I remembered the whole sequence straight off the bat. I asked Darren to show up and video record some of my work. I also asked a Headmaster of a local school to show up and offer some critiques of my working with kids.
After getting my bits together at the event I relaised it was too windy for once upon a time. Over all Iperfmoed...
THe Silk shrinking,vanish, teleport to shoe., THe younger kids loved thisbut the older kids were very keen to to show they know how it was done. One kid was very vocal with a copleatly wrong explination. I kept controll and no-ones fun was spoilt at least. MAybe an imporved handling or simply I should not perfrom this when the 'big brothers and sisters'# are around.
THe silk tube. Went down very well, lots of interaction with the kids
The Magic colouring book. If i could have sold that to one kid's mom I'd have gotten a fortune I think. All the kids of all ages liked it, but one toddler was obsessed by it. I got about 10 minutes of material out of it!
My Headmaster friend said he liked how I never lost my temper, kept my energy levels up and if the older kids looked like they may spoil things I empowered them by explaining the trick a little (in this case the book) but then baffled them with a card trick to keep them interested in my magic and still respecting me.
All Rather good and happy stuff. We then popped into the Visual arts centre and saw some of the 'youth' (aged 15-18 at a guess) playing "magic the gathering". One asked if I was a magican. I sudenly broke into "Wee Wee Mentalist". They were blown away. I suspect because there was a camera on them they reacted even more than before. Even though they made me feel like David Blaine and Dynamo with a hint of Gandalf. A good day :)
After getting my bits together at the event I relaised it was too windy for once upon a time. Over all Iperfmoed...
THe Silk shrinking,vanish, teleport to shoe., THe younger kids loved thisbut the older kids were very keen to to show they know how it was done. One kid was very vocal with a copleatly wrong explination. I kept controll and no-ones fun was spoilt at least. MAybe an imporved handling or simply I should not perfrom this when the 'big brothers and sisters'# are around.
THe silk tube. Went down very well, lots of interaction with the kids
The Magic colouring book. If i could have sold that to one kid's mom I'd have gotten a fortune I think. All the kids of all ages liked it, but one toddler was obsessed by it. I got about 10 minutes of material out of it!
My Headmaster friend said he liked how I never lost my temper, kept my energy levels up and if the older kids looked like they may spoil things I empowered them by explaining the trick a little (in this case the book) but then baffled them with a card trick to keep them interested in my magic and still respecting me.
All Rather good and happy stuff. We then popped into the Visual arts centre and saw some of the 'youth' (aged 15-18 at a guess) playing "magic the gathering". One asked if I was a magican. I sudenly broke into "Wee Wee Mentalist". They were blown away. I suspect because there was a camera on them they reacted even more than before. Even though they made me feel like David Blaine and Dynamo with a hint of Gandalf. A good day :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
How it all kind of works...
It's been a hectic few weeks. I have not achieved half that I've set out to, however I've achieved infinity more than I would have by doing nothing. On Monday I got a text message from a lady wanting to hire me for her wedding after seeingme at a dinner party. This is most excellent. THe ladywho held the party messaged me a moment later booking me for her kids birthday, this is excellent.
On Wednesday I went to check out the visual arts centre in Colchester. Partly it was to see what art they had and partly to see if we could get some form of work off them (or make other connections). The art was interesting, the tea resonantly priced and the staff approachable. However no-one with any real power is ever on he shop floor it seems. We left for the Minnories for tea and contemplation.Whilst there we noticed a kids party in full swing, I casually did a few colour changes to see if anyone was paying attention. They were. A brief 20 minute kid show with a vanilla deck and thumb tip insued. I got invited back to perfom another time.
The week passed and my mood dipped. Feeling very low on Friday I decided a Solo adventure was required. I am lucky to have a good job working on the Social Media of Fabric8. At a loss for a topic to write About I recalled the bunting at the Minnories. I made a post and tweet about magical it looked and decided a photograph would get the message home. I take my Social Media job very seriously and doing a good job on my post would make me feel better. I decided to shave and get dressed smartly and loaded with magic. I had NO agenda other than a pic of bunting.
Walking from the car I passed two kids. One asked their mum if I was "Magic". I turned round and quickly vanished a red hanky, which then appeared in their shoe. I then walked on smiling. I popped into the Minories NO BUNTING! they took it down! Panicked I went through my recent memory and realised a place had bunting around the corner! "Tea and Sympathy" is part of a campaign to use old buildings. You pay a few quid in rent and get a shop for 2 months . The lovely lady there had bunting up upside her kiosk, in what was a bus shelter. Pics were taken and posted, tea drunk. Magic performed for a sweet American lady. Feeling MUCH better about my self I walked past the Visual Art Centre, intending on popping in once I had finished a slice of bread and butter pudding which somehow got into my hands. Before I could finish my pudding a lady RAN out of the centre and dragged me in. She explained a girl who LOVED steam Punk And Magic was in and I HAD to perform for her. Magic occurred:) I performed a one man show for her, and then for the kids coming into the gallery. We spoke, she told me everyone loved the small magic I performed to one person on reception (the signed card was in the staff room on the notice board!) She then booked me for HER wedding.
I popped back to sympathy and Tea for a celebratery tea. I was asked to pop into thier party on the next Friday . It will be unpaid but a chance to pimp myself out. So moral of this tale.
People like me
PEople remeber me
kids love my magic
grown ups love my magic
Magic makes ME feel better
regardless of how I see myself, others see me as I always wished they'd see me when I was growing up. Fun and able to stir up an emtional responce in them. Able to create the sence of enchanment and wonder in them that I see in the world around me (wehn I'm in a good mood that is)
A long, sentimental post may, but one here to remind me when I feel bad, or worry people won't like my magic for one reason or other that peoples reactions to me does not depend on ANYTHING other than my own feelings.
On Wednesday I went to check out the visual arts centre in Colchester. Partly it was to see what art they had and partly to see if we could get some form of work off them (or make other connections). The art was interesting, the tea resonantly priced and the staff approachable. However no-one with any real power is ever on he shop floor it seems. We left for the Minnories for tea and contemplation.Whilst there we noticed a kids party in full swing, I casually did a few colour changes to see if anyone was paying attention. They were. A brief 20 minute kid show with a vanilla deck and thumb tip insued. I got invited back to perfom another time.
The week passed and my mood dipped. Feeling very low on Friday I decided a Solo adventure was required. I am lucky to have a good job working on the Social Media of Fabric8. At a loss for a topic to write About I recalled the bunting at the Minnories. I made a post and tweet about magical it looked and decided a photograph would get the message home. I take my Social Media job very seriously and doing a good job on my post would make me feel better. I decided to shave and get dressed smartly and loaded with magic. I had NO agenda other than a pic of bunting.
Walking from the car I passed two kids. One asked their mum if I was "Magic". I turned round and quickly vanished a red hanky, which then appeared in their shoe. I then walked on smiling. I popped into the Minories NO BUNTING! they took it down! Panicked I went through my recent memory and realised a place had bunting around the corner! "Tea and Sympathy" is part of a campaign to use old buildings. You pay a few quid in rent and get a shop for 2 months . The lovely lady there had bunting up upside her kiosk, in what was a bus shelter. Pics were taken and posted, tea drunk. Magic performed for a sweet American lady. Feeling MUCH better about my self I walked past the Visual Art Centre, intending on popping in once I had finished a slice of bread and butter pudding which somehow got into my hands. Before I could finish my pudding a lady RAN out of the centre and dragged me in. She explained a girl who LOVED steam Punk And Magic was in and I HAD to perform for her. Magic occurred:) I performed a one man show for her, and then for the kids coming into the gallery. We spoke, she told me everyone loved the small magic I performed to one person on reception (the signed card was in the staff room on the notice board!) She then booked me for HER wedding.
I popped back to sympathy and Tea for a celebratery tea. I was asked to pop into thier party on the next Friday . It will be unpaid but a chance to pimp myself out. So moral of this tale.
People like me
PEople remeber me
kids love my magic
grown ups love my magic
Magic makes ME feel better
regardless of how I see myself, others see me as I always wished they'd see me when I was growing up. Fun and able to stir up an emtional responce in them. Able to create the sence of enchanment and wonder in them that I see in the world around me (wehn I'm in a good mood that is)
A long, sentimental post may, but one here to remind me when I feel bad, or worry people won't like my magic for one reason or other that peoples reactions to me does not depend on ANYTHING other than my own feelings.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
yet another gig
Last night was a gig, a slightly different gig than normal. This time there were THREE of us. Each with a different way of presenting magic. The gig was another wedding party (this one also based some time AFTER the wedding). Before hand i was quite calm, pretty confident. This confidence faded a little before hand when I realised that I's had plenty of PRACTISE but no real REHEARSAL. The difference being practise will involve running through individual slights or effects whilst rehearsal links them all together for a short routine. I always like the idea of free styling, however having a basic form from which to deviate would have been useful. As a result i was over laden with decks of cards, and felt concerned about constantly switching decks. Everything went down very well including the first outing of "Super Fly". The main lessons of the night involved not having to rely on many many decks and controlling the audience. A girl asked for a repeat of the Wee Wee Mentalist. Now as it happens I had set the deck up to enable me to do as such, and so I did. This was a mistake, there would have been more magic if I went into SuperFly instead, but using the motive of the stick man mentalist. I realised this and so when asked again later on by a chap who witnessed me performing the effect on a girl in his group I changed tack. He was a Challenger, of this there is no doubt. I handed him the deck to shuffle and examine, Then he selected a card and I went into Ambitious Card. Everyone was blown away, himself included. I had performed an entirely different effect than he wanted, but one that two him was more impressive and cemented the idea that the first effect was very cleaver and not just a simple self working gimmick.
Over the past few weeks i've focused on very simple flourishes, including a simple Drag Fan. This was time well spent, being able to offer participants a card from an elegant fan made me feel better and show a touch of professionalism to the people involved.
The sewing work is STILL going on, the grand make over of the studio, and my life, has yet to take place. posts will be updated when they are though
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
a little faith
Life has just gotten a little more stressed. We had to evict our lodger. As a result our income has taken a dive. this income was just being used for savings, however we are saving for a wedding. SO now I really need to be gigging and earning. Most of my life I've had little income but managed to live for little money. This now has to change as this path leads only to stagnation. So I have to spend a LITTLE money, work hard for MORE money, save some and invest some. TO this end I'm still buying the first years EMC lectures (already done) and paying for a spot at a wedding show on the 20th of January. \I'll also still be redecorating my studio and trying to remain positive and stress free. All stress and worrying about money will do now is emotionally clog me up, making me feel guilty when I do things related to magic (such as practise). I'm planing on using this as a driving force to push on with the magic. Updates are more likely to follow as of next week ill be eat, sleep and living magic :)
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Nick showed me a great new trick. It fulfils my need for effects that can be performed with a shuffled unprepared deck. it's called Impossible, and it's a pretty good description. Three piles of cards are made, 5 cards in each. The participant takes one pile at random, cuts to a card. this half of their pile is put on any one of the remaining piles, then the second pile placed on top finally the remainder of their chosen pile placed on top. The chosen card is turned invisible, removed, rotated and kept away from the deck. The cards are shown face up -several at a time- and the chosen card appears to have vanished. The magician counts the cards down spelling the work IMPOSSIBLE (for a dyslexic this is the hardest part of the effect) on the "E" a card is shown face down, the magician names the card and turns it over, it is the selected card.
I performed this in the wild last night. It was very well received by magicians and muggles alike. The scripting received some help from friend, the beats and the structure were improved as the night went on. My handling was ok, but could be slicker. must remember people associate slickness of the hands with compitant and impressive magicians, and not just card sharps and jugglers like I do
I performed this in the wild last night. It was very well received by magicians and muggles alike. The scripting received some help from friend, the beats and the structure were improved as the night went on. My handling was ok, but could be slicker. must remember people associate slickness of the hands with compitant and impressive magicians, and not just card sharps and jugglers like I do
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Ideas can come from anywhere
I decided some time ago to stop buying kids magic sets/books/tricks. Initially I thought they may be a cheap way of learning some basics, however they were always substandard quality and as it turns out no more cheaper than buying a professional version. I have also started to realise that some "beginner" level books have a LOT of things I already know in. However it was a Beginner book, Mark Wilson's complete course in magic, that made me realize the importance of flourishes (in that they improve your over all level of slickness).
It was during a moment of possible arrogance of over sight that I paid no real attention to Michael Ammer's "Easy to perform card Miracles". I didn't want to learn EASY things, I wanted to learn some of the things that dazzled me at the magic club. Darren did show me some things from it though, and so I thought I'd give it a go. If nothing else I figured it would be good to cover the basics again. This set is amazing. It doesn't just teach you effects with the slights required but also puts whole routines together., The teaching style is fantastic, for me personally it's perfect. Already it has shown me an improvement to Big Deal. IN my version of the effect dealing from the bottom is explained and demonstrated slowly using four kings. Then I ask the participants to try and catch me out, they fail, and I reveal 4 ACES. cute yes, However it does mean everyone sees ONE ACE in their hand during the first round of dealing . Someone has commented on this (my boss who is a poker player). By replacing the aces with a royal flush the method becomes less obvious!. WHY didn't I think of that? This shall be a valuable source of wisdom I think.
Other slights are tought , ones I've not heard of. I suspect they are little used in the wider magical arsenal, however may prove useful when devising my own effects.
It was during a moment of possible arrogance of over sight that I paid no real attention to Michael Ammer's "Easy to perform card Miracles". I didn't want to learn EASY things, I wanted to learn some of the things that dazzled me at the magic club. Darren did show me some things from it though, and so I thought I'd give it a go. If nothing else I figured it would be good to cover the basics again. This set is amazing. It doesn't just teach you effects with the slights required but also puts whole routines together., The teaching style is fantastic, for me personally it's perfect. Already it has shown me an improvement to Big Deal. IN my version of the effect dealing from the bottom is explained and demonstrated slowly using four kings. Then I ask the participants to try and catch me out, they fail, and I reveal 4 ACES. cute yes, However it does mean everyone sees ONE ACE in their hand during the first round of dealing . Someone has commented on this (my boss who is a poker player). By replacing the aces with a royal flush the method becomes less obvious!. WHY didn't I think of that? This shall be a valuable source of wisdom I think.
Other slights are tought , ones I've not heard of. I suspect they are little used in the wider magical arsenal, however may prove useful when devising my own effects.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
It's good to Geek
Had a fun afternoon of magic geekery. Darren popped by and we talked briefly of our up coming show before a little day trip to a DIY store for some styling inspiration. Ultimately we settled down and went through Dave Forests 2wofaced DVD. We were keen to hone our close up acts whilst the lessons from the last gig were in our mind. I've wanted new material for a while and so has Darren, and whilst we're mainly in the market for "impromptu" card magic the 2wo faced DVD has been a source of great material in the past. Darren found a few effects he wants to work on before he hit on an amazing idea for my set. 2wo Faced has an effect called "Super Fly". IT's where a fly drawn onto a card locates selected card. A crudely drawn character finding a card, sounds familiar? Whilst the method used is entirely different to Wee Wee Mentalist it is in the same theme, hence why I have discarded it in the past. However I'm now working on a set of other effects the wee wee mentalist can help me with, and as Darren pointed out I could just as easily draw the mentalist as a fly (after an initial experiment I think the mentalist is easier to draw).
I have also sourced some impromptu effects. So my challenge is to learn "super Fly" by Friday for Electr[o]cracy and one impromptu effect.. This really does show though the benefit of just geeking out with friends as you never know where the next good idea will come form.
As for ideas coming from different places. Flourishes!. Initially I wanted to avoid them. I was going to be mainly a mentalist when I set out in magic, and hence not wanting to appear that any effects were down to slight of hand. However I'm mainly becoming a 'Card Guy' and According to research by Richard Wiseman a few flourishes can increase the impact and sense of magic in a participant. Reluctantly I started researching some simple flourishes. Mark Willsons opus "Complete Course in Magic" makes a compelling point. BY practising flourishes you will increase your handling ability of cards, hence making slights easier to pull off and giving a more polished performance. All this even if you never perform the flourishes. So time to practise.
I have also sourced some impromptu effects. So my challenge is to learn "super Fly" by Friday for Electr[o]cracy and one impromptu effect.. This really does show though the benefit of just geeking out with friends as you never know where the next good idea will come form.
As for ideas coming from different places. Flourishes!. Initially I wanted to avoid them. I was going to be mainly a mentalist when I set out in magic, and hence not wanting to appear that any effects were down to slight of hand. However I'm mainly becoming a 'Card Guy' and According to research by Richard Wiseman a few flourishes can increase the impact and sense of magic in a participant. Reluctantly I started researching some simple flourishes. Mark Willsons opus "Complete Course in Magic" makes a compelling point. BY practising flourishes you will increase your handling ability of cards, hence making slights easier to pull off and giving a more polished performance. All this even if you never perform the flourishes. So time to practise.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
new additions to a gig
Had another very positive gig last night. It was a close up gig at a garden party and was quite different from other gigs. To begin with I had a different close up partner with me. Initially this was going to be a group outing of four magicians. My regular partner, a chap I've not gigged with before and Darren, who I have performed stage work with, both comedy and magic. Due to other commitments only Darren and I went to the gig. Before hand Darren had the idea of working through the "The Four Card Trick" together in tandem. He suggested this could be a good opener. I liked the idea of us introducing ourselves to the party en mass, and then splitting up and managing different groups of people. This worked beautifully. I found people engaged with the close up magic much more readily. This idea wouldn't have been feasible in all the gigs I have done in the past, we were fortunate that everyone was assembled in one spot. However if circumstances allow I think this opener can add greatly to the magic.
On my first set I flubbed "Wee Wee Mentalist", and effect I had picked up instantly and had never failed. This was upsetting but I bounced back instantly. It just goes to show how important practise and rehearsals are. Rehearsals cover what you do if things go wrong. I SHOULD have used the Invisible Deck to show how I'm a better mentalist than the stick man.
I found myself falling back on Wee Wee Mentalist and Ambitious Card an awful lot. I had to make a concerted effort to use Here then There, Do as I do, Serial Killer (which went down AMAZINGLY well I might add) Also did Mind Reading and Invisible Deck. I was prepped for Cartomancy but there was too much noise and no available space to perform it. I also didn't have enough table space for Out Of This World.
At the last gig I decided I needed more quick fancy effects that I could perform with a regular shuffled deck, such as Ambitious Card and Card in Hand. IN that case it was because I was dealing with people who were the worse for alcohol. This time I think I could have done with these effects due to noise and space considerations. There exists a DVD of such effects, however I shall consult my arcane Library First.
Despite all these things the gig went very well indeed. We had very positive feedback and left feeling rather jolly. I did not have my normal pre gig terror, I was worried this was over confidence however I think it's more confidence and experience. However I need to prep my props for the gig a few days in advance, not the day before as this time I had to spend the day before the gig and the morning of the gig day itself looking after my girlfriend. But overall a fantastic night
On my first set I flubbed "Wee Wee Mentalist", and effect I had picked up instantly and had never failed. This was upsetting but I bounced back instantly. It just goes to show how important practise and rehearsals are. Rehearsals cover what you do if things go wrong. I SHOULD have used the Invisible Deck to show how I'm a better mentalist than the stick man.
I found myself falling back on Wee Wee Mentalist and Ambitious Card an awful lot. I had to make a concerted effort to use Here then There, Do as I do, Serial Killer (which went down AMAZINGLY well I might add) Also did Mind Reading and Invisible Deck. I was prepped for Cartomancy but there was too much noise and no available space to perform it. I also didn't have enough table space for Out Of This World.
At the last gig I decided I needed more quick fancy effects that I could perform with a regular shuffled deck, such as Ambitious Card and Card in Hand. IN that case it was because I was dealing with people who were the worse for alcohol. This time I think I could have done with these effects due to noise and space considerations. There exists a DVD of such effects, however I shall consult my arcane Library First.
Despite all these things the gig went very well indeed. We had very positive feedback and left feeling rather jolly. I did not have my normal pre gig terror, I was worried this was over confidence however I think it's more confidence and experience. However I need to prep my props for the gig a few days in advance, not the day before as this time I had to spend the day before the gig and the morning of the gig day itself looking after my girlfriend. But overall a fantastic night
Friday, May 11, 2012
que the montage music
I've been studying the Book Of Magic Bullocks hard lately. This book has no real effects BUT does have some killer slights. Without a doubt it#'s the best guide to performing "The Pass" I've red. It recommends building up muscles in your hands with certain exercises. it also recommends training montage music from Rocky (it actually helps). As fun as it is knowing I'm working towards one of the 'Big Boy' slights I am itching for new effects to add to my repertoire to stop it feeling stale (well stale to me at least). I think I'll be settling down with Tom Stone's Vortex again., IT has some lovely new effects however these too are in the the 'Big Boy' league. It's always nice to learn a new slight whilst learning a new effect, however THIS effect uses misdirection. Now you can practice the double lift or the Erdinase easily enough, you KNOW when the participant can see or not see the slight so you know when it's good enough, BUT how to you practise mis -direction?
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Awesome gig!
Last night my partner and I were engaged to entertain a wedding party. IT was for me a little more 'real' than other gigs. With the exception of one kids party just about all my gigs came from a friend, or a friend of a fiend. We got this gig because a lady saw me running through a few effects at a local nightclub, she was so impressed she sought me out
.The event was an interesting blend. Before 9 there would be children present. the little ones would then be packed off to bed. We were initially engaged to perform from 9 until 11 however I offered a bit of time -for free- before 9 so the kids could see some magic. This was not a wholly selfless action.
1) It gave me even more experience in performing for a younger group of people.
2) It gave me a chance to advertise myself as a children's magician in front of the parents.
3) It's much easier to go up to a group of kids and introduce yourself a s a magician and perform than a group of adults. however once the ice was broken it is easier to go up to the grown ups.
I scored major points by getting one boy so excited by the magic he put down his PSP! once it was out of his hands and he was engaged with the magic, along with the other kids. As a result he then carried on playing with the other kids when I moved onto the grown ups. I can understand why some magicians fear performing for kids though, even if they are naturally adept with them. The reason is public perception. My first effect was my now classic silk shrinking, vanishing transport to sock. One of the mum's looked STUNNED she actually said "WOW, that's' actually really good". I suddenly realised she expected the children's magic to be 'low grade' or '2nd class magic' . It seams there is a stigma with children's magic. Parents expect to work out how the magic is performed, feel a little smug and only be paying the magicians at a kids party to work as a kind of crowd control, not doing anything they themselves could not do. This idea was confirmed when one of the parents later remarked on a close up piece I performed "you really are very good, i just thought you were for the kids".
On to the grown ups. I began with two receptive looking ladies and pulled out me "Rapport" Deck. As with other large events I had a few differently stacked decks.
I had in my Right trouser pocket an Invisible Deck and Cartomancy to allow me to increase the spiritual mind reading effects
and fully prepared to break out Ambitious Card as an example of advanced card control (and how people can cheat at poker.)
So back to the nice ladies. They loved the introduction of the Wee Wee Mentalist (in a card clip normally in my hand to serve as an ice breaker. Here than there received an amazing reaction (and went on to all night. Direct minding, FAILED! the stack seamed to screw up (this happened TWICE) so now I'm going to have to runt through the stack a few times to see what happened. Luckily I managed to save some face by getting a second bit of mind reading right, and the invisible deck (only JUST realised I could have gone ah h just kidding here's your selected card, HOWEVER that would have been making ME look good not them, in retrospect I think I did the right thing). The band then kicked off. NOT TO SELF. Bands play louder than the disco. I polity offered to return at a less noisy time and left the table.
Next two LADS of the YOUNGER variety. they cockily wanted to see "Some Magic then". They seemed friendly but slightly confrontational. I broke into FOUR SIGHT. They Loved it. They loved my story that goes with the effect as well. They seemed slightly the worse for ware so instead of going into the more long winded Big Deal I switched to Wee Wee Mentalist. Again they loved the effect but I didn't want to take up their time, I felt that they were happy with what they had seen, and would have been polite and watched more, but they were also itching to get to the casino. Performing further would have been performing for ME and not THEM, I offered to return later and let them go, glad that I cut the routine short and left on a g high. When I first got into performing I would have wanted to exhaust everything in one go, OR if I felt I should leave before finishing my planned routine I would have felt like a failure , like they didn't wan to see my work. Now I understand more, they were happy with what they had seen no doubt, but there are other demands on people attention, and so it's best to be happy that they enjoyed themselves and you had not upset them, or cause them to patronise me.
Outside away from the music I sat down and a younger guy sat opposite me. I opened with "I don't mean to be rude but are you ever so slightly stoned". he FREAKED out. he wanted to know how I could tell. This was actually just a gut reaction, I felt pretty sure he was, and if he were not he would not take offence to the question. I then explained there were effects I can perform on him because he was now in a more receptive state thanks to his naughty behaviour. I melted the poor guys mind, he kept coming back for more though.
Over all the night went amazingly well. I had one drunk annoying guy who was easily dealt with. Everyone had told the host how fantastic me and my partner were. One shock was how rarely I used the gambling deck. Even though there was a pretend casino in place (and hence I thought a perfect opportunity to do some gambling magic) most people seemed to be more up for the mentalist style of magic. Must learn more mentalist effects. Card in hand and Here then There freaked people out just as much as more complicated effects, although The Ambitious card is the king of slight of hand showing off. So the best laid plans of magicians can go awry yes, BUT with confidence and a good few quick effects and a pliable supple mindset you can adjust to the needs of the event swiftly
Wish I had more info on the couple we were dealing with. I'll have to work harder at that next time
My parter made a point when people thanked him for the magic to say "thank the host for inviting us" this helped immensely, I must do this too.
Need more shorter effects for when people are drunk and can't concentrate.
Practice is so worth it, staying well practised means less stress and worry before a gig, just enjoyment.
More proof I'm good with people in these situation. Even if I always think of myself as an unlikeable clumsy buffoon, no-one else seems to have noticed.
Learning new effects me not be vital, but it gives me more confidence and more freedom to adjust my plans on the fly.
.The event was an interesting blend. Before 9 there would be children present. the little ones would then be packed off to bed. We were initially engaged to perform from 9 until 11 however I offered a bit of time -for free- before 9 so the kids could see some magic. This was not a wholly selfless action.
1) It gave me even more experience in performing for a younger group of people.
2) It gave me a chance to advertise myself as a children's magician in front of the parents.
3) It's much easier to go up to a group of kids and introduce yourself a s a magician and perform than a group of adults. however once the ice was broken it is easier to go up to the grown ups.
I scored major points by getting one boy so excited by the magic he put down his PSP! once it was out of his hands and he was engaged with the magic, along with the other kids. As a result he then carried on playing with the other kids when I moved onto the grown ups. I can understand why some magicians fear performing for kids though, even if they are naturally adept with them. The reason is public perception. My first effect was my now classic silk shrinking, vanishing transport to sock. One of the mum's looked STUNNED she actually said "WOW, that's' actually really good". I suddenly realised she expected the children's magic to be 'low grade' or '2nd class magic' . It seams there is a stigma with children's magic. Parents expect to work out how the magic is performed, feel a little smug and only be paying the magicians at a kids party to work as a kind of crowd control, not doing anything they themselves could not do. This idea was confirmed when one of the parents later remarked on a close up piece I performed "you really are very good, i just thought you were for the kids".
On to the grown ups. I began with two receptive looking ladies and pulled out me "Rapport" Deck. As with other large events I had a few differently stacked decks.
Rapport Deck (a Red for rapport backed bicycle deck in my Right for rapport pocket)
this was stacked for...
Here then There
Direct Mind Reading
Do as I Do
Out of this World
I had in my Right trouser pocket an Invisible Deck and Cartomancy to allow me to increase the spiritual mind reading effects
On my left side in Blue Backed bicycles. the Gambling effects
Four site
Big Deal
Aces High
and fully prepared to break out Ambitious Card as an example of advanced card control (and how people can cheat at poker.)
So back to the nice ladies. They loved the introduction of the Wee Wee Mentalist (in a card clip normally in my hand to serve as an ice breaker. Here than there received an amazing reaction (and went on to all night. Direct minding, FAILED! the stack seamed to screw up (this happened TWICE) so now I'm going to have to runt through the stack a few times to see what happened. Luckily I managed to save some face by getting a second bit of mind reading right, and the invisible deck (only JUST realised I could have gone ah h just kidding here's your selected card, HOWEVER that would have been making ME look good not them, in retrospect I think I did the right thing). The band then kicked off. NOT TO SELF. Bands play louder than the disco. I polity offered to return at a less noisy time and left the table.
Next two LADS of the YOUNGER variety. they cockily wanted to see "Some Magic then". They seemed friendly but slightly confrontational. I broke into FOUR SIGHT. They Loved it. They loved my story that goes with the effect as well. They seemed slightly the worse for ware so instead of going into the more long winded Big Deal I switched to Wee Wee Mentalist. Again they loved the effect but I didn't want to take up their time, I felt that they were happy with what they had seen, and would have been polite and watched more, but they were also itching to get to the casino. Performing further would have been performing for ME and not THEM, I offered to return later and let them go, glad that I cut the routine short and left on a g high. When I first got into performing I would have wanted to exhaust everything in one go, OR if I felt I should leave before finishing my planned routine I would have felt like a failure , like they didn't wan to see my work. Now I understand more, they were happy with what they had seen no doubt, but there are other demands on people attention, and so it's best to be happy that they enjoyed themselves and you had not upset them, or cause them to patronise me.
Outside away from the music I sat down and a younger guy sat opposite me. I opened with "I don't mean to be rude but are you ever so slightly stoned". he FREAKED out. he wanted to know how I could tell. This was actually just a gut reaction, I felt pretty sure he was, and if he were not he would not take offence to the question. I then explained there were effects I can perform on him because he was now in a more receptive state thanks to his naughty behaviour. I melted the poor guys mind, he kept coming back for more though.
Over all the night went amazingly well. I had one drunk annoying guy who was easily dealt with. Everyone had told the host how fantastic me and my partner were. One shock was how rarely I used the gambling deck. Even though there was a pretend casino in place (and hence I thought a perfect opportunity to do some gambling magic) most people seemed to be more up for the mentalist style of magic. Must learn more mentalist effects. Card in hand and Here then There freaked people out just as much as more complicated effects, although The Ambitious card is the king of slight of hand showing off. So the best laid plans of magicians can go awry yes, BUT with confidence and a good few quick effects and a pliable supple mindset you can adjust to the needs of the event swiftly
Wish I had more info on the couple we were dealing with. I'll have to work harder at that next time
My parter made a point when people thanked him for the magic to say "thank the host for inviting us" this helped immensely, I must do this too.
Need more shorter effects for when people are drunk and can't concentrate.
Practice is so worth it, staying well practised means less stress and worry before a gig, just enjoyment.
More proof I'm good with people in these situation. Even if I always think of myself as an unlikeable clumsy buffoon, no-one else seems to have noticed.
Learning new effects me not be vital, but it gives me more confidence and more freedom to adjust my plans on the fly.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
being that guy I wanted to be.
Just gotten back from the Hospital for a routine appointment. I was asked the simple question of "Occupation?" I replied with some pride "Magician". The nurse smiled and the appointment continued, she then had to refer to a collogue and came back in saying how excited she was to be able to say she had a magician in the room and how difficult it was for her to not ask to see "something". As she said this she dropped an elastic band on the table. I picked it up and launched into a few routines from the Touch DVD by Hanson Chien. She was ACTUALLY breath-taken. she actuality asked to keep the band as a memento. This was heart warming. Has it happens I was reading Derren Brown's "Absolute Magic" in the waiting room and tried to incorporate some of his ideas into the routines to give them more impact.
A pleasant enough story. But long before I started to study magic I wanted to be able to pick up a common, everyday item and do something wonderful with it. Without bluster, without 'patter' without gimmicks and gizmo's even without cards. I can't describe how it felt to be able to do that.
A pleasant enough story. But long before I started to study magic I wanted to be able to pick up a common, everyday item and do something wonderful with it. Without bluster, without 'patter' without gimmicks and gizmo's even without cards. I can't describe how it felt to be able to do that.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
ahh this is the life
I've had a wonderfully magical week so far. Monday the kids gig, this went well. Then Tuesday my copy of Vortex by Tom Stone arrived. An interesting book. At first I was unsure of whether it was worth the money or not. Then I came across a page that justified the price of the book by itself. I plan on working on a few of the effects in this book in the coming few weeks. Then today a package from Amazon arrived. A friend had bought me a book on Contact Juggling, a book on the Hellfire club (for research) and a cope of the soundtrack of "The Illusionist".
Darren came by with a load of old stage illusion plan sand we spent about 5 hours just going over them all, planning for the stage show and magic in general, all whilst the sound track of the Illusionist played in the background. This is what I want my day to day life to be like. It's given me even more incentive and indeed passion to make MAgic a full time, paying vocation.
Darren came by with a load of old stage illusion plan sand we spent about 5 hours just going over them all, planning for the stage show and magic in general, all whilst the sound track of the Illusionist played in the background. This is what I want my day to day life to be like. It's given me even more incentive and indeed passion to make MAgic a full time, paying vocation.
Monday, April 2, 2012
VERY large party of VERY young kids
So far I've performed for 9 year olds (11 in one go) and 12 year olds (4 of them). Todays gig was for 30 kids all aged 5! I was worried they would be too young for the bulk of my card work so knew I would be relying on the following.
I also decided to make one of my new effects Kid Friendly. The Four Card Trick uses a LOT of Elmsley counts and involves hiding a regular card in amongst some blank cards. I knew from "Seriously Silly" that the kids would be too young to know any of the regular playing cards, therefore I got an extra blank card and drew a stick-man on it.
I also planned to hit them with the shower of balloons at the end.
The show kicked of well with a colouring book routine based on the one in "Seriously Silly". The kids responded very well, although were a little shy about screaming out magic words at the start. I then moved onto the "Shrinking Silk" effect, followed by the crystal tube.
I decided to finish on the cup and balls and give the kids a break and a chance to eat, they were very well behaved and loved being able to use the 'wand' (bubble sword).
Around the dinner tables I did some close up mainly my elastic band repertoire and the colour changing silks (letting the kids pull the colours through themselves, giving them the feeling of having some control)
After dinner the dad fancied running some games. during this time some kids felt left out (either they were eliminated or just not into the game) so DEAN TO THE RESCUE. Out came my newly prepared packet trick. The kids loved the stick man version of the four card trick, and the parents watching were amazed.
After these games I was asked to so more magic, I pulled out "Once Upon a time" but there was just too many kids, so instead I switched to balloons. I made the poodle for the birthday boy, making a few mistakes on purpose (over inflating and popping the balloons, inflating too hard and setting the balloon flying off etc) before the rubbish bags filled of poodles, mayhem ensued.
I was worried the grown ups were not 'INTO' it, but I found out they really enjoyed the show as they had asked the Dad for my businesses cards.
So what have I learnt.
My ability to control kids extends to large groups of young kids.
I need a few more props for my younger kids show to make it last a little longer
I need more balloon models
I need to be prepared for losing £10 worth of balloons at the big gigs
Keep once upon a time for smaller groups
Even when I'm worried about how it's going people seem to be impressed
NEVER do grown-up magic afterwards, I tried a simple ambitious card and almost ruined it because I was too shattered to do a double lift.
Make sure the parent know the magic wand gift is for their kid and they don't have to give it back afterwards.
Cup and Balls
Crystal Silk tube
Shrinking silk and silk in sock
Magic colouring book
Colour changing silks.
Once Upon a Time
I also decided to make one of my new effects Kid Friendly. The Four Card Trick uses a LOT of Elmsley counts and involves hiding a regular card in amongst some blank cards. I knew from "Seriously Silly" that the kids would be too young to know any of the regular playing cards, therefore I got an extra blank card and drew a stick-man on it.
I also planned to hit them with the shower of balloons at the end.
The show kicked of well with a colouring book routine based on the one in "Seriously Silly". The kids responded very well, although were a little shy about screaming out magic words at the start. I then moved onto the "Shrinking Silk" effect, followed by the crystal tube.
I decided to finish on the cup and balls and give the kids a break and a chance to eat, they were very well behaved and loved being able to use the 'wand' (bubble sword).
Around the dinner tables I did some close up mainly my elastic band repertoire and the colour changing silks (letting the kids pull the colours through themselves, giving them the feeling of having some control)
After dinner the dad fancied running some games. during this time some kids felt left out (either they were eliminated or just not into the game) so DEAN TO THE RESCUE. Out came my newly prepared packet trick. The kids loved the stick man version of the four card trick, and the parents watching were amazed.
After these games I was asked to so more magic, I pulled out "Once Upon a time" but there was just too many kids, so instead I switched to balloons. I made the poodle for the birthday boy, making a few mistakes on purpose (over inflating and popping the balloons, inflating too hard and setting the balloon flying off etc) before the rubbish bags filled of poodles, mayhem ensued.
I was worried the grown ups were not 'INTO' it, but I found out they really enjoyed the show as they had asked the Dad for my businesses cards.
So what have I learnt.
My ability to control kids extends to large groups of young kids.
I need a few more props for my younger kids show to make it last a little longer
I need more balloon models
I need to be prepared for losing £10 worth of balloons at the big gigs
Keep once upon a time for smaller groups
Even when I'm worried about how it's going people seem to be impressed
NEVER do grown-up magic afterwards, I tried a simple ambitious card and almost ruined it because I was too shattered to do a double lift.
Make sure the parent know the magic wand gift is for their kid and they don't have to give it back afterwards.
Friday, March 30, 2012
GIGS! SOO MANY GIGS (well err 4)
My mood has been improving tremendously since Tuesday. Getting friends to BURN me whilst I go through my set improved my confidence, I coin rolled in public and performed "The Four Card Trick" in the wild. I felt so confident in myself that when a comedian on-stage asked me my profession I replied "Magician". When I got in from a very fine night of comedy I had a message to ring my magic partner, Harvey. Harvey is the partner I began with, forming "Cane But Able". I now gig with Darren as well (mainly stage work) and we're all pretty much interchangeable. HE had a gig for us! a perfect gig, set in a travelling casino. My mind was suddenly buzzing with potential, i was intimidated by the gig, even though it' only 3 weeks away, I was excited by it!. I suppose the most exciting thing was HOW we got the gig. A person he knows saw me doing tricks at the local Goth club. they were impressed and sought me out through him. My confidence is restoring rapidly.
I shall also be gigging on Monday. Performing magic to 30 children, all of them around 5 years old. I've had to source new balloons for modelling (£10 for 100) and a new magic colouring book. IT feels like i'm buying confidence but I really think these effects are worth the money. Once I can model more balloon creatures I'll raise my rates for kids parties a little to offset the cost. I'll hopefully blog on Monday with a run through of what I intend to perform, and a list to pac,and then blog after the gig to see how it went :)
I shall also be gigging on Monday. Performing magic to 30 children, all of them around 5 years old. I've had to source new balloons for modelling (£10 for 100) and a new magic colouring book. IT feels like i'm buying confidence but I really think these effects are worth the money. Once I can model more balloon creatures I'll raise my rates for kids parties a little to offset the cost. I'll hopefully blog on Monday with a run through of what I intend to perform, and a list to pac,and then blog after the gig to see how it went :)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
very rough night
I feel like my soul has been given a good going over with wire wool. Last night me and my magical mates visited a local magic club. We saw a few people's tricks as they explained to us some basic coin work before someone broke out their card magic. I felt tonally outclassed. I suddenly felt foolish for believing I was ready to be a professional magician when this guy was trying to show me things that I couldn't ever follow. I suddenly had to fight the urge to throw magic in all together out of a sense of shame. Then I calmed down. The guy who impressed us the most was VERY good, I over heard the secretary of the club saying he could have won a national competition. I remembered how people in the club had already praised us for our people handling skills, these are the things that count for a professional magician. Again looking over the effects we saw, the younger guys made a few mistakes and had to restart, so this isn't even material they themselves can perform flawlessly. we were seeing rough work in progress.
So calming down I'm feeling a lot more secure. I KNOW I'm VERY insecure about how good I am at times, so this is just another blip to be over come. TO make me feel more like I know what I'm doing I'm going back to basics., It's been AGES since I put a new effect on this blog, it's time to stop reading theory books and to break out some new effects, if just for my benefit, But I'm going to go back to Royal road to Card magic for them, as well as the Mark Wilson course I think. Just to go over some basics.
So calming down I'm feeling a lot more secure. I KNOW I'm VERY insecure about how good I am at times, so this is just another blip to be over come. TO make me feel more like I know what I'm doing I'm going back to basics., It's been AGES since I put a new effect on this blog, it's time to stop reading theory books and to break out some new effects, if just for my benefit, But I'm going to go back to Royal road to Card magic for them, as well as the Mark Wilson course I think. Just to go over some basics.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Full Steam(punk) Ahead!
In the last blog I mentioned how quickly things are progressing. Well it's not slowing down!
Too begin with
I've been nominated for the magic Circle (as have Darren though through different means)
Darren Harvey and myself have seen Paul Daniels Live. This was VERY exciting indeed. I saw Paul Daniels last year and was blown away with how skill full he was. Since then He's had a very bad accident involving his hand but you wouldn't know it at all!. We enjoyed all of his effects (and The lovely Debbie McGee also performed some very lovely silent acts too) . The chop cup was fantastic as ever but Paul also demonstrated a new torn and restored newspaper that was flawless. A levitation left us all VERY confused as did the classic 2 chair's routine! We got a chance to meet Paul and Debbie afterwards and they were both most charming, a good night was had by all.
Darren and I returned to the Mid Essex Magic Society again this week. We intended to talk to them about joining (we needed to pass an audition of three effects). However they decided to spring the audition on us that night!, I was terrified. As I've said before I've come to rely on Wee Wee Mentalist and could not bring him as I'd lost my black Sharpie which I use to make refills! I can't say how Darren did or what he did (but I heard applause and good reviews afterwards) I set up my deck for "Do as I do" and "Out of this world" . I also had Cartomancy on me as well. When I walked in and faced my three judges I started to feel like these may not be enough. I opened with Direct Mind reading and followed with Cartomancy. Two of the three judges seemed happy but one remained silent,. I decided to use my Ambitious Card routine. After my performance I spoke briefly about where I thought I was in my magical development. They asked about how many performances I've done in the past and seemed happy yo think of me as a seasoned pro. this felt nice. Darren and I both were admited. on feed back the two happy judges said they loved my Ambitious Card. The third judge complimented me on my people handing skills. I asked for where I needed to improve He said simpyl that my confidence in my slights wasn't very high.
Today I spoke to Darren about this. The judge did not say my slights were bad, just my confidence in them was low. So I got Darren to BURN me whilst performing ambitious card right under hi nose. he said every slight worked well apart from the LE Pauls Bluff Pass. this always needs some mis direction so I felt very good about it. After a very good session with Darren we went along to the Colchester Art Center. there Darren managed to score us a proper Stage Magic Gig. Darren is a seasoned performer and has a good relationship with the venue, without him this simply would not have happened.
So since last blog.
1) nominated for Magic Circle
2)joined Mid Essex Magical Society
3) improved confidence in Ambitious Card
4) got a full on stage gig, just us lot doing magic
5) getting paperwork sorted to join Equity
overall things are progressing well. I need to improve my confidence in impromptu magic and re-work my routines. I have the books and dvd's for this, so practise practise and practise.
Too begin with
I've been nominated for the magic Circle (as have Darren though through different means)
Darren Harvey and myself have seen Paul Daniels Live. This was VERY exciting indeed. I saw Paul Daniels last year and was blown away with how skill full he was. Since then He's had a very bad accident involving his hand but you wouldn't know it at all!. We enjoyed all of his effects (and The lovely Debbie McGee also performed some very lovely silent acts too) . The chop cup was fantastic as ever but Paul also demonstrated a new torn and restored newspaper that was flawless. A levitation left us all VERY confused as did the classic 2 chair's routine! We got a chance to meet Paul and Debbie afterwards and they were both most charming, a good night was had by all.
Darren and I returned to the Mid Essex Magic Society again this week. We intended to talk to them about joining (we needed to pass an audition of three effects). However they decided to spring the audition on us that night!, I was terrified. As I've said before I've come to rely on Wee Wee Mentalist and could not bring him as I'd lost my black Sharpie which I use to make refills! I can't say how Darren did or what he did (but I heard applause and good reviews afterwards) I set up my deck for "Do as I do" and "Out of this world" . I also had Cartomancy on me as well. When I walked in and faced my three judges I started to feel like these may not be enough. I opened with Direct Mind reading and followed with Cartomancy. Two of the three judges seemed happy but one remained silent,. I decided to use my Ambitious Card routine. After my performance I spoke briefly about where I thought I was in my magical development. They asked about how many performances I've done in the past and seemed happy yo think of me as a seasoned pro. this felt nice. Darren and I both were admited. on feed back the two happy judges said they loved my Ambitious Card. The third judge complimented me on my people handing skills. I asked for where I needed to improve He said simpyl that my confidence in my slights wasn't very high.
Today I spoke to Darren about this. The judge did not say my slights were bad, just my confidence in them was low. So I got Darren to BURN me whilst performing ambitious card right under hi nose. he said every slight worked well apart from the LE Pauls Bluff Pass. this always needs some mis direction so I felt very good about it. After a very good session with Darren we went along to the Colchester Art Center. there Darren managed to score us a proper Stage Magic Gig. Darren is a seasoned performer and has a good relationship with the venue, without him this simply would not have happened.
So since last blog.
1) nominated for Magic Circle
2)joined Mid Essex Magical Society
3) improved confidence in Ambitious Card
4) got a full on stage gig, just us lot doing magic
5) getting paperwork sorted to join Equity
overall things are progressing well. I need to improve my confidence in impromptu magic and re-work my routines. I have the books and dvd's for this, so practise practise and practise.
Monday, March 5, 2012
So much going on!
This last month has been truly insane. I have visited the Magic Circle twice now and will hopefully blog about that later. The master plan of becoming a full time magician is in full swing and I have to admit that this is more down to others than myself. My friends and I have formed a Slight Club which meet around my house once a week. The four of us each have our strengths and the idea is for us to motivate ourselves and learn from each other. Mr. Leopold Thorn himself (or Darren) has been something of a guiding light in this. I have owned a few web space over the years but have struggled to keep up to date with the best practises for hosting a site. As the owner if Truelove Tours he had recent experience, With the help of a friend of mine he has managed to host our new collective site of http://nothingupoursleeves.co.uk . He was then given a gig for Colchesters Art Centre's Variety night special. He saw an opportunity to raise awareness of our venture and a chance to help me improve my stage craft.We had under 2 weeks to devise a show and rehearse it. \We used an initial idea for an illusion that Darren had for publicity the Leopolod Thorn gig. Namley the Lazar pointer reveal. When driving home from one of our slight clubs I suggested we could try to make the effect better by allowing the selected playing card to be SIGNED. No mean feat, but the next evening I was demonstrating our first prototype to him. We then spent an afternoon just shooting out things to say during the effect, be they jokes, smaller tricks or points of science to explain the illusion. Darren then took all these random sound bites and forged a script. I truly loved working like this. He had an idea of an effect, we both worked together to make it possible, then using my library of books and dvd's to improve on the original, Then we both came out with jokes and lines for the script then he used his skills in stage craft to make the script work. True teamwork.
To maximise the potential for the gig Darren even got us business cards made (his design which is rather fantastic) using the photos taken at the photo shoot (he arranged). As you can see from this Darren really s the driving force in us turning pro, NEVER under estimate the drive and determination of a man who hates his day job!
The gig went incredibly well. The political jokes we put in for a simple silk colour change went down incredibly well with the politicians in the audience. Darren handled some kids who came into the show half way through very well. I even heard one ask "is that Doctor Who!" For me the big surprise was how well the effect itself was received. I thought we would be take as a 10 minute comedy act with a bit of magic, however people did LOVE the magic, we were a 10 minute magic act with comedy! The best thing is we now know what worked well and how to make the show even better. Also a local event manager has taken an interest in is :) so the future s indeed looking bright, mainly due to being given a gentle push by a mate .
To maximise the potential for the gig Darren even got us business cards made (his design which is rather fantastic) using the photos taken at the photo shoot (he arranged). As you can see from this Darren really s the driving force in us turning pro, NEVER under estimate the drive and determination of a man who hates his day job!
The gig went incredibly well. The political jokes we put in for a simple silk colour change went down incredibly well with the politicians in the audience. Darren handled some kids who came into the show half way through very well. I even heard one ask "is that Doctor Who!" For me the big surprise was how well the effect itself was received. I thought we would be take as a 10 minute comedy act with a bit of magic, however people did LOVE the magic, we were a 10 minute magic act with comedy! The best thing is we now know what worked well and how to make the show even better. Also a local event manager has taken an interest in is :) so the future s indeed looking bright, mainly due to being given a gentle push by a mate .
Friday, February 24, 2012
Team Work
Another delay in blogging but I'm glad to report much magic has occurred. Darren and I visited the Magic Circle and were pleasantly supirsed by the warm welcome we received. The acts we saw were 4 close up performs, all MUCH better than me, but the level of skill is attainable I believe. I shall blog about this later.
The Project Elmsley DVD has proven it's worth. I can now perform the 4 Card trick and Dai Vernon's Twisting the Aces quite well. Wednesday evening was spent in the company of Darren and the other two members of our Sleight Club and I ran through the Elsmley count with them all. We all seem to be getting a handle on it now. Working with a small group of friends is certainly a rewarding way of studying magic. Darren wowed everyone with his rather nifty "Waiving the Aces" as well. between us all I think we're progressing quite nicely. Darren has been a driving force in the other area of magic. As well as learning new material we need to get more gigs and here Darren has been most helpful. Thanks to his effort we have secured a domain name and are in the process of designing the site. This whole magician for hire thing is starting to feel very real.
Darren has also managed to get a spot on the stage and has invited me up there with him. this again is a lovely piece of team work. Darren was the first of us to have the concept of a laser reveal. We developed the idea between us, working out elements of humour as well as the mechanics of the effect. (the basic effect is a chosen card is lost in he deck, placed in a pack of cards and held in the spectator's hand. A laser is then shone on the pack and the pack is then opened and spread out to reveal the chosen card now has a hold burned through it. ) We have decided that this effect will form the finalle of our set. TO stir some creativity I sugested it would be nice i f the card could be signed. Darren and I both came up with methds and between us we've ade one work very well. SO there we have it, team work it helps with the following:
double checking how good you are performing
sharing opportunities to pimp yourself.
The Project Elmsley DVD has proven it's worth. I can now perform the 4 Card trick and Dai Vernon's Twisting the Aces quite well. Wednesday evening was spent in the company of Darren and the other two members of our Sleight Club and I ran through the Elsmley count with them all. We all seem to be getting a handle on it now. Working with a small group of friends is certainly a rewarding way of studying magic. Darren wowed everyone with his rather nifty "Waiving the Aces" as well. between us all I think we're progressing quite nicely. Darren has been a driving force in the other area of magic. As well as learning new material we need to get more gigs and here Darren has been most helpful. Thanks to his effort we have secured a domain name and are in the process of designing the site. This whole magician for hire thing is starting to feel very real.
Darren has also managed to get a spot on the stage and has invited me up there with him. this again is a lovely piece of team work. Darren was the first of us to have the concept of a laser reveal. We developed the idea between us, working out elements of humour as well as the mechanics of the effect. (the basic effect is a chosen card is lost in he deck, placed in a pack of cards and held in the spectator's hand. A laser is then shone on the pack and the pack is then opened and spread out to reveal the chosen card now has a hold burned through it. ) We have decided that this effect will form the finalle of our set. TO stir some creativity I sugested it would be nice i f the card could be signed. Darren and I both came up with methds and between us we've ade one work very well. SO there we have it, team work it helps with the following:
double checking how good you are performing
sharing opportunities to pimp yourself.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Rough Month.
Can't believe I didn't manage to post once in January! I managed to damage my spine in a major way over Christmas. This meant I could only sit at a computer for a certain amount of time and I felt I really should spend that time doing data entry for my day job.MY Boss is a really understanding guy (and my manager is also really understanding) so I felt I should use my computer time helping them out instead of blogging. HOWEVER unlike other times when I was injured this time I managed to get a LOT of magic done.
To begin with Magic reading. Magic in Theory by Paul Lamont and Richard Wiseman was a fascinating read dealing mainly with the use of misdirection. Hiding the Elephant also kept me occupied. Whilst not strictly speaking a magic book and more of a magical history book I believe the modern performing can still learn from it. The book charts the history of stage magic in the Victorian era and the development of certain techniques and the changes in the public's tastes. It certianly made for some relaxed reading.
Brushing up on performance techniques is always good but it helps to have something to perform. I dearly want to join the Magic Circle in the near future so decided to work on a few gaps in my knowledge. My mate Nick tried teaching me the Elmsley count but unfortunately I just couldn't make it look neat and clean. therefore I treated myself to the "Elmsley Count Project with Lian Montier" this was worth every penny. So today I'll be sitting down for a few hours to learn an effect using the move (well to BEGIN learning the effect).
Many more things are afoot in my world of magic, a trip to London, a new club and a fantastic new Podcast. However these can wait until tomorrow.
To begin with Magic reading. Magic in Theory by Paul Lamont and Richard Wiseman was a fascinating read dealing mainly with the use of misdirection. Hiding the Elephant also kept me occupied. Whilst not strictly speaking a magic book and more of a magical history book I believe the modern performing can still learn from it. The book charts the history of stage magic in the Victorian era and the development of certain techniques and the changes in the public's tastes. It certianly made for some relaxed reading.
Brushing up on performance techniques is always good but it helps to have something to perform. I dearly want to join the Magic Circle in the near future so decided to work on a few gaps in my knowledge. My mate Nick tried teaching me the Elmsley count but unfortunately I just couldn't make it look neat and clean. therefore I treated myself to the "Elmsley Count Project with Lian Montier" this was worth every penny. So today I'll be sitting down for a few hours to learn an effect using the move (well to BEGIN learning the effect).
Many more things are afoot in my world of magic, a trip to London, a new club and a fantastic new Podcast. However these can wait until tomorrow.
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