Sunday, April 22, 2012

Awesome gig!

Last night my partner and I were engaged to entertain a wedding party. IT was for me a little more 'real' than other gigs. With the exception of one kids party  just about all my gigs came from a friend, or a friend of a fiend. We got this gig because a lady saw me running through a few effects at a local nightclub, she was so impressed she sought me out

.The event was an interesting  blend. Before 9 there would be children present. the little ones would then be packed off to bed. We were initially engaged to perform from 9 until 11 however I offered a bit of time -for free- before 9 so the kids could see some magic. This was not a wholly selfless action.

1) It gave me even more experience in performing for a younger group of people.

2) It gave me a chance to advertise myself as a children's magician in front of the parents.

3) It's much easier to go up to a group of kids and introduce yourself a s a magician and perform than a group of adults. however once the ice was broken it is easier to go up to the grown ups. 

I scored major points by getting one boy so excited by the magic he put down his PSP! once it was out of his hands and he was engaged with the magic, along with the other kids. As a result he then carried on playing with the other kids when I moved onto the grown ups.  I can understand why some magicians fear performing for kids though, even if they are naturally adept with them.  The reason is public perception. My first effect was my now classic silk shrinking, vanishing transport to sock. One of the mum's looked  STUNNED she actually said "WOW, that's' actually really good".  I suddenly realised she expected the children's magic to be 'low grade' or '2nd class magic' . It seams there is a stigma with children's magic. Parents expect to work out how the magic is performed, feel a little smug and only be paying the magicians at a kids party to work as a kind of crowd control, not doing anything they themselves could not do. This idea  was confirmed when one of the parents later remarked on a close up piece I performed "you really are very good, i just thought you were for the kids".

On to the grown ups. I began with two receptive looking ladies and pulled out me "Rapport" Deck. As with other large events I had a few differently stacked decks.

Rapport Deck (a Red for rapport backed bicycle deck in my Right for rapport pocket)
this was stacked for...

Here then There
Direct Mind Reading
Do as I Do
Out of this World

I had in my Right trouser pocket  an Invisible Deck and Cartomancy to allow  me to increase the spiritual mind reading effects

On my left side  in Blue Backed bicycles. the Gambling effects
Four site
Big Deal
Aces High

and fully prepared to break out Ambitious Card as an example of advanced card control (and how people can cheat at poker.)

So back to the nice ladies. They loved the introduction of the Wee Wee Mentalist (in a card clip normally in my hand to serve as an ice breaker. Here than there received an amazing reaction (and went on to all night. Direct minding, FAILED! the stack seamed to screw up (this happened TWICE) so now I'm going to have to runt through the stack a few times to see what happened. Luckily I managed to save some face by getting a second bit of mind reading right, and the invisible deck (only JUST realised I could have gone ah h just kidding here's your selected card, HOWEVER that would have been making ME look good not them, in retrospect I think I did the right thing). The band then kicked off. NOT TO SELF. Bands play louder than the disco. I polity offered to return at a less noisy time and left the table.

Next two LADS of the YOUNGER variety. they cockily wanted to see "Some Magic then". They seemed friendly but slightly confrontational. I broke into FOUR SIGHT. They Loved it. They loved my story that goes with the effect as well. They seemed slightly the worse for ware so instead of going into the more long winded Big Deal I switched to Wee Wee Mentalist. Again they loved the effect  but I didn't want to take up their time, I felt that they were happy with what they had seen, and would have been polite and watched more, but they were also itching to get to the casino. Performing further would have been performing for ME and not THEM, I offered to return later and let them go, glad that I cut the routine short and left on a g high. When I first got into performing I would have wanted to exhaust everything in one go, OR if I felt I should leave before finishing my planned routine I would have felt like a failure , like they didn't wan to see my work. Now I understand more, they were happy with  what they had seen no doubt, but there are other demands on people attention, and so it's best to be happy  that they enjoyed themselves and you had not upset them, or cause them to patronise me.

Outside away from the music I sat down and a younger guy sat opposite me. I opened with "I don't mean to be rude but are you ever so slightly stoned". he FREAKED out. he wanted to know how I could tell. This was actually just a gut reaction, I felt pretty sure he was, and if he were not he would not take offence to the question. I then explained there were effects I can perform on him because he was now in a more receptive state thanks to his naughty behaviour. I melted the poor guys mind, he kept  coming back for more though.

Over all the night went amazingly well. I had one drunk annoying guy who was easily dealt with. Everyone had  told the host how fantastic me and my partner were. One shock was how rarely  I used the gambling deck. Even though there was a pretend casino in place (and hence I thought a perfect opportunity to do some gambling magic) most people seemed to be more up for the mentalist style of magic. Must learn more mentalist effects. Card in hand and Here  then There freaked people out just as much as more complicated effects, although The  Ambitious card is the king of slight of hand showing off.  So the best laid plans of magicians can go awry yes, BUT  with confidence and a good few quick effects and a pliable supple mindset  you can adjust to the needs of the event swiftly


Wish I had more info on the couple we were dealing with. I'll have to work harder  at that next time

My parter made a point when people thanked him for the magic to say "thank the host for inviting us" this helped immensely, I must do this too.

Need more shorter effects for when people are drunk and can't concentrate.

Practice is so worth it, staying well practised means less stress and worry before a gig, just enjoyment.

More proof I'm good with people in these situation. Even if I always think of myself as an unlikeable  clumsy buffoon, no-one else seems to have noticed.

Learning new effects me not be  vital, but it gives me more confidence and more freedom to adjust my plans on the fly.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

being that guy I wanted to be.

Just gotten back from the Hospital for a routine appointment.  I was asked the simple question of "Occupation?"  I replied with some pride "Magician".  The nurse smiled and the appointment continued, she then had to refer to a collogue and came back in saying how excited she was to be able to say she had a magician in the room and how difficult it was for her to not ask to see "something".  As she said this she dropped an elastic band on the table. I picked it up and launched into a few routines from the Touch DVD by Hanson Chien. She was ACTUALLY breath-taken. she actuality asked to keep the band as a memento. This was heart warming. Has it happens I was reading Derren Brown's "Absolute  Magic"  in the waiting room and tried to incorporate some of his ideas into the routines to give them more impact.

  A pleasant enough story. But long before I started to study magic I wanted to be able to pick up a common, everyday item and do something wonderful with it. Without bluster, without 'patter' without gimmicks and gizmo's even without cards. I can't describe how it felt to be able to do that.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

ahh this is the life

I've had a wonderfully magical week so far. Monday the kids gig, this went well. Then Tuesday my copy of Vortex by Tom Stone arrived. An interesting book. At first I was unsure of whether it was worth the money or not. Then I came across a page that justified the price of the book by itself. I plan on working on a few of the effects in this book in the coming few weeks. Then today a package from Amazon arrived. A friend had bought me a book on Contact Juggling, a book on the Hellfire club (for research) and a cope of the soundtrack of "The Illusionist".

  Darren came by with a load of old  stage illusion plan sand we spent about 5 hours just going over them all, planning for the stage show and magic in general, all whilst the sound track of the  Illusionist played in the background. This is what I want my  day to day life to be like. It's given me even more incentive and indeed passion to make MAgic a full time, paying vocation.

Monday, April 2, 2012

VERY large party of VERY young kids

So far I've performed for 9 year olds (11 in one go) and 12 year olds (4 of them). Todays gig was for 30 kids all aged 5! I was worried they would be too young for the bulk of my card work so knew I would be relying on the following.

Cup and Balls
Crystal Silk tube
Shrinking silk and silk in sock
Magic colouring book
Colour changing silks.
Once Upon a Time

I also decided to make one of my new effects Kid Friendly.  The Four Card Trick uses a LOT of Elmsley counts and involves hiding a regular card in amongst some blank cards. I knew from "Seriously Silly" that the kids would be too young to know any of the regular playing cards, therefore I got an extra blank card and drew a stick-man on it.

I also planned to hit them with the shower of balloons at the end.

The show kicked of well with a colouring book routine based on the one in "Seriously Silly". The kids responded very well, although were a little shy about screaming out magic words at the start. I then moved onto the "Shrinking Silk" effect, followed by the crystal tube.

I decided to finish on the cup and balls and give the kids a break and a chance to eat, they were very well behaved and loved being able to use the 'wand' (bubble sword).

Around the dinner tables I did some close up mainly my elastic band repertoire and the colour changing silks (letting the kids pull the colours through themselves, giving them the feeling of having some control)

After  dinner the dad fancied running some games. during this time some kids felt left out (either they were eliminated or just not into  the game) so DEAN TO THE RESCUE. Out came my newly prepared packet trick. The kids loved the stick man version of the four card trick, and the parents watching were amazed.

After these games I was asked to so more magic, I pulled out "Once Upon a time" but there was just too many kids, so instead I switched to balloons. I made the poodle for the birthday boy, making a few mistakes on purpose (over inflating and popping the balloons, inflating too hard and setting the balloon flying off etc) before the rubbish bags filled of poodles, mayhem ensued.

I was worried the grown ups were not 'INTO' it, but I found out they really enjoyed the show as they had asked the Dad for my businesses cards.

So what have I learnt.

My ability to control kids extends to large groups of young kids.

I need a few more props for my younger kids show to make it last a little longer

I need more balloon models

I need to be prepared for losing £10 worth of balloons at the big gigs 

Keep once upon a time for smaller groups

Even when I'm worried about how it's going people seem to be impressed

NEVER do grown-up magic afterwards, I tried a simple ambitious card and almost ruined it because I was too shattered to do a double lift.

Make sure the parent know the magic wand gift is for their kid and they don't have to give it back afterwards.