It's been a hectic few weeks. I have not achieved half that I've set out to, however I've achieved infinity more than I would have by doing nothing. On Monday I got a text message from a lady wanting to hire me for her wedding after seeingme at a dinner party. This is most excellent. THe ladywho held the party messaged me a moment later booking me for her kids birthday, this is excellent.
On Wednesday I went to check out the visual arts centre in Colchester. Partly it was to see what art they had and partly to see if we could get some form of work off them (or make other connections). The art was interesting, the tea resonantly priced and the staff approachable. However no-one with any real power is ever on he shop floor it seems. We left for the Minnories for tea and contemplation.Whilst there we noticed a kids party in full swing, I casually did a few colour changes to see if anyone was paying attention. They were. A brief 20 minute kid show with a vanilla deck and thumb tip insued. I got invited back to perfom another time.
The week passed and my mood dipped. Feeling very low on Friday I decided a Solo adventure was required. I am lucky to have a good job working on the Social Media of Fabric8. At a loss for a topic to write About I recalled the bunting at the Minnories. I made a post and tweet about magical it looked and decided a photograph would get the message home. I take my Social Media job very seriously and doing a good job on my post would make me feel better. I decided to shave and get dressed smartly and loaded with magic. I had NO agenda other than a pic of bunting.
Walking from the car I passed two kids. One asked their mum if I was "Magic". I turned round and quickly vanished a red hanky, which then appeared in their shoe. I then walked on smiling. I popped into the Minories NO BUNTING! they took it down! Panicked I went through my recent memory and realised a place had bunting around the corner! "Tea and Sympathy" is part of a campaign to use old buildings. You pay a few quid in rent and get a shop for 2 months . The lovely lady there had bunting up upside her kiosk, in what was a bus shelter. Pics were taken and posted, tea drunk. Magic performed for a sweet American lady. Feeling MUCH better about my self I walked past the Visual Art Centre, intending on popping in once I had finished a slice of bread and butter pudding which somehow got into my hands. Before I could finish my pudding a lady RAN out of the centre and dragged me in. She explained a girl who LOVED steam Punk And Magic was in and I HAD to perform for her. Magic occurred:) I performed a one man show for her, and then for the kids coming into the gallery. We spoke, she told me everyone loved the small magic I performed to one person on reception (the signed card was in the staff room on the notice board!) She then booked me for HER wedding.
I popped back to sympathy and Tea for a celebratery tea. I was asked to pop into thier party on the next Friday . It will be unpaid but a chance to pimp myself out. So moral of this tale.
People like me
PEople remeber me
kids love my magic
grown ups love my magic
Magic makes ME feel better
regardless of how I see myself, others see me as I always wished they'd see me when I was growing up. Fun and able to stir up an emtional responce in them. Able to create the sence of enchanment and wonder in them that I see in the world around me (wehn I'm in a good mood that is)
A long, sentimental post may, but one here to remind me when I feel bad, or worry people won't like my magic for one reason or other that peoples reactions to me does not depend on ANYTHING other than my own feelings.