Thursday, May 13, 2010

Double Trouble

Had another night magic geeking, this time with Martin and Kat. Saw some amazing work from Martian, again not all of it card based so I will defiantly try to expand my own knowledge base of tricks when I get back from Germany. Decided to try and get a copy of "Elastrix" once I'm back and settled. And some magic loops

ok I KNOW there's no such thing as perfect, and 'good enough' isn't good enough but I think my overhand shuffle control and deck cutting control is improving very well. I think the weak point in tricks like 'Card in Hand' for me is the double lift. Not the showing of it, just the loading of it. Maybe I feel self conscious and fear people can tell I'm up to something. Maybe I stress to much about doing it right. Maybe I'm just too slow. Anyway as well as my regular half an hour or so of shuffling a day I'm going to try half an hour of double lifting as well as going over three basic tricks. 'Do as I Do', 'Card in Hand', 'Here then There'.
These are the first 2 tricks on the "Ellusionist Crash Course" disk one and a simple trick from the penguin series. I'm trying to get the mechanism and order of things for these tricks completely natural so I can concentrate on the performance itself (eg angles etc)


  1. Since seeing a few minutes of Ellusionist I've been practising my double lift and stumbled onto a nice three way shuffle. I've also spent thirty quid on new decks...... damn you and your lovely case!!!

  2. muhahaha! Actually my lovely case is on sale at Maplin. Normally 30 pounds, currently 20 quid. (with he pluck foam lining to stop your goodies rattling around.

    I'm thinking of splurging out on some hard core kit in a few weeks when i get a few quid for a sewing project. I SHOULD spend it on sewing kit but i'm pretty well sorted in that regard atm
