Sunday, April 7, 2013

the insanity of rating good/notbad

Not every gig can be the best gig yet. Eventually you'll have a gig that wasn't as good as the one before. This happened tonight. It wasn't bad, in fact it was good, it just wasn't great. weirdly "not Great" sounds the same as "rubbish". IT went well, people liked the magic, there was very little trouble (the one person kicking up trouble was dealt with by Darren)
So, for me at least it was an okay gig. I have trouble talking over some entertainment, so again, more short effects,. Also I need to let go of my stacked deck for a while and return to my magical roots of free form magic, where I can sit at a table, hold court and just do effect after effect.

H on the other hand had an awesome night. We tucked him away into the prisons and sent people to him, after a Very little while people started heading there on thier own. He was like a little dark magic goblin to be discovered. He used 2 effects over and over but that's all he needed. So as well as short punchy magic maybe I need more effects like his, longer effects where the one effect is like a bot of theatre, and story telling and showmanship take over. 

Also on a personal note, no more sewing the day before a gig. The pain levels took their toll on me, sometimes the pain perks me up, keeps me alert, not tonight, it wore me down. Early night before a gig and the day before spent either reeding or rehearsing in short calm spurts.

So over all, not a bad night, and i still managed to do some very good impromptu card effects at the end of the night (just to perk myself up)| I had two guys totally puzzeld by ambitouse card. BUT  I wasn't as smooth as normall,  I think it's time I looked into repalcing the LePaus bluff pass. I also need to work on my doule lift, it's been a whilse since I sat, deck in hand and double lifted over and o ver for an hour.

So still quite positive,. I'll work on pracising my slights whilst recovering with TVtomorowe, and hit the books big  time on Tuesdasy.

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