Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rough Month.

Can't believe I didn't manage to post once in January! I managed to damage my spine in a major way over Christmas. This meant I could only  sit at a computer for a  certain amount of time and I felt I really should spend that time doing data entry for my day job.MY   Boss is a really understanding guy (and my manager is also really understanding) so I felt I should  use my computer time helping them out instead of blogging. HOWEVER unlike other times when I was injured this time I managed to get a LOT of magic done.

  To begin with Magic reading. Magic in Theory by Paul Lamont and Richard Wiseman  was a fascinating read dealing mainly with the use of misdirection. Hiding the Elephant  also kept me occupied. Whilst not strictly speaking a magic book and more of a magical history book I believe the modern performing can still learn from it.  The book charts the history of stage magic in the Victorian era and the development of certain techniques and the changes in the public's tastes.  It certianly made for some relaxed reading.

  Brushing up on performance techniques is always good but it helps to have something to perform. I dearly want to join the Magic Circle in the near future so decided to work on a few gaps in my knowledge.  My mate Nick tried teaching me the  Elmsley count but unfortunately I just couldn't make it look neat and clean. therefore I treated myself to the "Elmsley Count Project with Lian Montier"  this was worth every penny. So today I'll be sitting down for a few hours to learn  an effect using the move (well to BEGIN learning the effect).

  Many more things are afoot in my world of magic, a trip to London, a new club and a fantastic new Podcast. However these can wait until  tomorrow.

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