Monday, November 4, 2013

Charity gig in Maidstone

See below about how I got the gig and why I did it.
THe venue was a bar. I knew I had little table space and there would music. SO effects that NEED a table were out, such as Cartomancy. I stackes twwo decks with the classic Twilight Angels and Wee Wee Mentalist double act. I had a free form deck for other effects. EVERYTHING went down AMAZINGLY well. Angles and mentalist were talked about by EVERYONE. Ambitouse card wowed people, as did Card in Hand.. TO open with I didn't use Wee Wee like normall. Instead i used a hankie vanish or elestic band tricks. THese again amazed  everyone.
things to think about.
My magic IS impressive and people seam to like interactng with me
my relaxed conversational style works well .
I need more effects where I can work in "mime" for whent here are plenty of load music.
my small selection of fluorishes are handy to have in reserve for a certian kind of participant (normally y oung men
Elastic band magic is great "non card" magic. Must learn more.
i missed an opituinity to perform a stage effect due to lack of sutible material. I need to look more at the work of John Archer and other stage performes who work with few props so I can grab these optuinities in futre

JMANY people did a whole load at screaming in disbilove, ACTUal screamming. THIs is good

Blog the first. Charity and imagination

I may have said before "If i was getting paid the proper rate I'd be doing well for this number of gigs"> Many people have told me to be wary of performing too often for free. I must confess my self esteem takes a hit when I find out I'm working for free whilst other people at a charity event are being paid. Such it was about tonight's gig, Even though no pressure was applied and I accepted the commission freely I felt a bit of a mug for agreeing to drive for almost 2 hours to the gig, a charity and fund raising gig for people I don't know. I agreed as I was asked by someone who helped raise money for a friend of mine, I thought it only fair I help his friends. I realised I was building up a resentment, which was unfair, he did nothing wrong, he just asked for some help.  So I decidede to see this gig as I initally thought of it, a stepping stone to Festive Fun. As a kid early November was the start of Christmas, it's when my surgeries tended to be, so it was the end of the winter term and the start of reading at home by the fire with hot chcolate. In resent years I left getting festivly minded too late, not having time to prepare a Christmas event and getting stressed. So I set off in the car, lictendin to "A Christmas Carol".
In the first part Marly's ghost talks about how the human spirit must go forth amongst it's fellow mans'  if not in life then in death. The whole section goes on to talk about charitable actions. I felt a lot better about doing this gig.  And what a gig it was. I'll post again about what went down BUT actions were amazing, expenses paid, journey  enjoyable, the p[participants fantastic. A real boost to my confidence as well as a few possible gigs.

And now a little about imagination.  As I left the venue it was raining, HARD. I had parked in a multi story car park, on the roof and relaised I'd have to walk up the sections reserved for cars as all the doors and stairs were shut. THe darkness, the weather and walking somewhere where you normally wouldn't work fired my imagination.  I started thinking of film noir detective thrillers, and then urban fantasies. The roof was littered with HUGE air intakes and had a strange industrial almost sci fi feel to it. In the darkness it felt more like a space station, and then something from "London Below" from Never Where.  I had to hop over barriers and run up and down service ramps to find a pay station (there were none, I made my escape by eventually using the "help" button on the wall. I should have been worried, or at least peeved off by the driving rain, the wind and the fear of being stuck there for a night. But instead I was elated, I felt like i Was having an adventure, all be it in my own mind. Maybe that';s the etheral moment I crave to create. Adventures of the impossible in the minds of my participants, even if it's for the meerest flicker of a second

Monday, October 14, 2013


Since the last post I've had two gigs, and secured a good lead on a booking in December. Both gigs were very good, ranking highly among the past gigs in fact. My mood is slightly subdued by the tremendous physical pain I'm in though. Part of my wants to curl into a ball and hide, another part wishes I had an enemy to see to fight. The enemy within is always the hardest to defeat though. At times like this it's easy for me to remember failure and to forget the times  I've made a difference in the world. Maybe now would be a good time to write about the last two gigs, trapped between the high and the low of my emotions.

The first gig was a  charity event for "Missing People". It was effectively Bar Magic, dealing with people in a loud noisy environment. This called for short punchy effects initially, with the hope of doing something more drawn out later on.   The now most used trio of effects were brought out, Wee Wee Mentalist, Twilight Angels and Ambitious Card. These as ever packed a HUGE punch. Some  participants were a little the worse for wear and I had to deal with a  certain amount of Semi Drunkenness. A mixture of a friendly demeanour combined with physical size did help keep people form becoming aggressive.

  The last but one table involved a group of about 6 young people (around 19 years old).  I opened with Wee wee and Twilight Angels, they were hooked. I went on to "out of this World", direct mind reading, Invisible deck, Serial Killer as well as one handed card tricks. They wanted thier friends to see the first two, luckily I packed a duplicate stack deck:)

The last table had four people, 3 girls one boy. I targeted each with an effect I thought they'd like. The loud girl got wee wee, a quiet girl got Twilight Angels, the boy got Ambitious card   the final girl recived a card in hand, but signed.
Over all a great night, and the organizeres were thrilled with my work.

Not even a week later I was in Southend working a birthday party in a restaurant. The restaurant was AMAZING. Shabby Chic mixed with a sense of surreal theatre. I felt instantly at home. I was perfoming with "H" who was working with mainly mentalist retuines. I began with the classic openers, but when we s at down I started to channel more of Derren Brown's "absolute Magic" and less of "Darwin Ortiz Strong Magic". I used my personality, I engaged in conversation. Luckily I'm genuinely interested in people, I love hearing tier stories, and their opinions, it's not something I have to fake. I would briong conversationa round to star signs, and then tarrot, and then break out Cartomancy. I was unlucky every time! the effect has two possible outcomes, one more magical than the other, BUT even though I was disapointed the particpants were blown away!

Befaore the gig I knew I wanted to perfom ina  relaxed casual manor, buikding tention, working in an almost impromptu style. This I managed. After  A while, inbetween courses I built uop effect upon effect, layering Dierect Mind reading, Invisible deck, Cartomancy, out of this world as well as  working out a chosoen card from reading somone pulse.

I left feeling like a wizard. IT built my confidence no end.

I'm now working more on "ninja rings". more of this later.
Over all in love with magic, confident of my abiltites. JUst wish my leg didn't hburt.

Friday, September 27, 2013

money can't buy happiness...

Money can't buy happiness, but it can by enthusiasm. Well not money, but new material does help make you enthusiastic. I've just returned from Wivenhoe Comedy Club where I often perform close up magic before the main acts. Today I used this time to test drive "White Star" a trick lent to me from a friend.The effect floored everyon e. It's bassed on the Titanic. People chose pictures of people at random, and one will have chosen all survivors whilst the other will chose people who died. The method is staggeringly simple. IT does however require  showmanship to sell the effect. Judging by the strong lead for a gig I'd say it worked. it felt good working with new material again. Looking at my bookcase I have a lot of material I can be learning so maybe I really do need a challenge. Maybe one week one new effect (from my existing library, not bought)

 is it better to learn lots of material, or focus on a little and get it perfect? I think you can do both, learn new but don't ignore the old. Methods learnt in the new material may compliment existing skills to help you perform older material better. As with all things this is a balance act, and the only way to get the balance right is to experiment.

Monday, September 23, 2013

A life less organized.

Over all things are great. Since the last blog I've performed for Haleworth Library, Colchester Invasion and a private party with kids and adults. I've also gone back to visit MEMS for the first time since I hurt my foot (which I've also had fixed up since the last blog, simple quick operation, I'll need follow up work but nothing major). Mems welcomed me back with open arms being one of the hand full who show up to an AGM has that effect). I told them about not getting into the Circle, and explained that not getting in didn't bother me, but being treated the way I was by the Examination Sectary did. Every agreed the behaviour was shocking. This made me feel a lot better, I think sometimes we just need an outsider to say "yes you'r right that sucks".

So what next?  A new set of Cup and Balls, and then major study. I want to spend at least an hour a day on my audition. Well more a case of study for the sake of improving my magic, but now  have a clear aim. MEMS will also be holding more tutorial evenings, with a  challenge cup to aim for. Incentives and a structured learning system, hopefully this will help push  my magic skills and improve them.
SO things I want to do?

New non card magic:
Spounge Balls
Cups & Balls
Rope Magic

Card- More quick impromptu effects

I've got the learning materials for all of this already. Now I just need to focus and crack on.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Making Time

Again nearly a month since the last blog. Since them I've been gigging at LEAST once per week.
A wedding (short free gig to repay a freind)
The last few Alice in wonderland shows (unpaid, again good flight time and good fun)
A retro Vintage fair (unpaid again, but a good opituinity)

And a school's leaving party (PAID!)
The number of gig's in increasing, and there are a few gigs on the Horizon. A library want me to perform later this month after seeing me doing "walk about" magic in the street to promote Leopold Thorn.  A wedding couple are interested in booking myself and Steve, someone wants a birthday party (for adults) in October AND there's the Colchester Free Fair.

One thing I've noticed is I'm resorting to the same magic over and over. I need to stretch out, learn more and do more. The "self folding bill" and "worry dolls of doom" were meant to kick start my non card magic. Unfortunately both sets of props suffered from "A random act of Dean".

I have plenty of resources at hand for new material. And if I'm honest I have the time as well, I  just need to structure my days better. The blog and website for the shop are going well, I'
m paid for  4 hours a day (on average) but need to do more than thaty in the next few weeks, but there is still time for magic. I've subscribed to I Genni so now have 75 years worth of magazines to read.

Then there's motivation.  Every few weeks I feel a pang of resentment about the Magic Circle. Not that I didn't get in, more the way I was treated afterwards. IT made me feel like MY ideal of the Circle doesn't exist. I need to get over this. Buckle down, study and try again next year and when I'm in try to shape at least some poartof it around my dreams.

In other news I had a great meeting with a friend. I trust his opinion a LOT. He sees a lot of different performers and has given me much to think about with bringing magic and science into schools. He told me how to get myself in front of the right people. I just need to study the basics again, practise  daily until I feel ready to be in front of them.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

long time no blog, but plenty of magic

woah, almost 2 months without an update. I've taken  on more work at "the day job" which has required my undivided attention.  That said whilst I've not spent much time working on new material or even practicing, I've been gigging like mad. Most of these gigs have been free or nearly free but it's all flight time.

I've performed at a garden party for a village fete, a home school group again, a kids party n the countryside, as a warm up/promoter for Darren's epoch making "cabinet of Leopold Thorn", a Steampunk Birthday party among other gigs.

Tonight was another Tea and Sympathy gig. The theme was "Mexican Wrestling and Day of the Dead". I decided to decorate the room leading to the magic chamber again, this time using a LOT of U.V. I've wanted to experiment with UV a lot and thought this would be a perfect excuse to try it. Mexican day of the dead involves brightly coloured "candy Skulls" and I wanted something that really "pinged". Also a lot of Spanish and Lati9n American art involves bright florescent colors. The surreal and ethereal game "psyconaughts" involved a Spanishy/Mexican level  that used these bright colours and a totally black  background to depict an artists dream. I wanted to create a dream. As with other gigs I set up a projector and a sound track. I used my wealth of obscure knowledge to pick a film that fitted both the day of the dead theme and Mexican wrestling. The  sound track was a Mexican techno band. The room was flooded with UV and candy skull pictures were ut on the walls. Darren had the genoiuse idea  of taping florescent card to show the door way. This was a safety feature but also added to the "door to an other worlds " effect. HE even added glowing foot steps. I also  set up a bubble machine complete with UV bubbles.The over all effecdt was sureal and dreamy. IT was just as I imagined, and I was very happy with how quick we set things up.

As with other gigs where I didn't have time to learn much new material I panic bought magic. "Worry Dolls of Doom" and a self foldng bank note. The worry dolls of doom is a lil fidly, but packed a nice punch. However I destroyed part of the prop by accident. THe self folding bill had an ok reaction, I think I need to build suspense into it more. I performed
Wee weementalist and twilight angels (but not as much as normal)
Out of this world
Direct mind reading (with invisible deck follow up)
Serieal Killer
SPike through arm
Ambitouse card.

Over all i was very happy. I had NO dead responses at all. I also had 2 moments of "enchantment" ALllthe above effects worked well and different groups of participants reacted more strongly to some points than others. At the end of the evening a young lady asked if I could put the spike through HER arm. Everyone seemed very shocked and impressed with the result. IT turned a very good night into an excellent night

I spent a lot of time and money preping for this gig and got paid very little. However all the equipment I bought were things I wanted for  along time. I now have a bubble machine, a UV bulb, UV reactive paints for prop making. MY folding bank note broke and I had to go through my dvd;'s to find out how to fix it. I thought I could have MADE my own note and saved some money, however it was usefull working with a purchased one first to get a feel of the prop. Also going through the videos reminded me how much I like Brad Christopher. IT's inspired me to make some props and start learning new magic.
So summing up on the financial aspect of the night I'm reminded of Stan Alan's talk at the Essential Magic conference..."what did LAnce Burton get from winning FISM, nothing! what did he get from preparing for FISM, EVERYTHING!" thIS GIG...
Got my creative juices flowing again,
taught me some basic UV principles (including things to watch out for such as "magic/invisible tape GLOWING under UV)
An investment in non magic party props (bubble machine, paints etc)
Confidence in my painting
confidence in my ability to hold an audience
 SO well worth the time and  money

Things to think about.
Learn to use a basic editing program to blend movies and music and to edit movie scenes
Find tapes that glow in different colours for the door ways etc
UV is fun, learn some UV magic
I still get a littlen urvouse at the start of a gig. I need to realize people think my magic is WORTH seeking out. Next gig tell the DJ to announce the magic is on and to send people up
find better storage soloutions for props and prop building equipment, it's worth the investment.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Saying yes to stuff.

Had a great day on Monday with a Wedding Gig.  I worked with a pair of stacked decks preped  for Wee Wee mentalist, Twilight angels and then some impromptu magic effects (Impossible, ambitious card etc).  Had easy time approaching the groups of people and judged which effects for which people. Strangely people kept asking to see the tricks the noticed other people saw, so I only seemed to use about 5 effects all night. After reading old entries of my blog I went with my gut and trusted my personality. IT worked very well. At the end of the night the wedding venue manager asked for my card, wanting to recommend me to other wedding couples.
  When I got in I found an email from a lady who's kid had seen me perform. The young lad wants to demonstrate what he's learnt to me. They asked if I ran workshops.  The next day whilst at Tea and Sympathy I found that workshops were one of the main sources of income for the shop. I decided to hold a magic workshop. I guess all the good feedback is making it easier for me to put myself out there more. This was the first bit of me "saying Yes" to something.  The shop needed a poster quickly. Normally Darren or Inge would make posters for shows. But I had to make one myself, and come up with some "copy" as well. Thus I knocked my own up. Quickly in a basic art package. Ok it's nothing special, but it did the job. Instead of putting it off  I managed to get it done.  If I'm going to make a living as a magician then I need to get involved in these workshops and gigs and be prepared to do my own adverts and "copy". Accept it's not great but will improve over time.   This attitude of getting stuck in is paying off. I've been booked for a primary school's prom. I got this gig because of the reputation I've been building up and the connections from doing small gigs here and there. Slowly, but surely it's all coming together :)

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Impossible Magician

A little part of me was worried that I'd hit the high point of my career early with "the Night Circus". However the gig I've just gotten in from was also quite exceptional. It may have lacked the drama and theatre of the Night Circus but it was still magical.

  This latest gig was a kids gig. I was slightly concerned, whilst I have a natural affinity with kids and can normally keep their attention well, the last two kids gig of 2012 had problems. In one an adult had messed with the props, and in the second I had two VERY disruptive kids. Part of me started to wonder if I had strayed from my early, and successful roots. When I began with kids magic I had no props and no real balloon skills. I had to adapt my close up and adult magic and make do with a sack of balloons. I now have more magical props and can make a wide Variety of balloon models. The first kids gig with these props was stellar  (the kids wedding show last year and the second gig was smaller, less intense but still good.)  I then had the two problematic shows. Of course I've also worked the kids festival 3 times as well and did very well at a school gig.

  My main problem with all the props is one area of life I often fall down on. Organization . My props migrate or get badly packed away. I end up having to buy multiple replacements which is not a good thing. It is rather ironic that kids magic tends to earn you less whilst the materials for it cost more. This time however I ran through EVERY part of my routine in the morning, and placed things into my case as I finished with them. This worked very well.  I then thought long and hard about where the props would be placed when I was finished  with them, what I needed to do to stop kids (and grown ups) messing with them and generally thinking everything through slowly.

It all worked perfectly. I managed to set up in record time (two trips to the car) and my table was in good order. I opened with the "Magic Colouring book". it drove the kids wiled, they were shy to begin with but were yelling and screaming in minutes. I MUST make my own one of these days

I then moved onto the colour changing hankies, initially changing the colours with my back turned, before doing it in front of them, teaching them that it was more impressive with the magic wasn't hidden.

I moved onto the main bit of my materials, where I've tied together many effects. I started with "Milk AutoGo" using the the fluids of "concentration, hard work and imagination". This had a subdued response  so I went onto the diminishing milk with the fluids, before turning the fluid into a silk. Both the diminishing milk and the fluid to silk got MASSIVE receptions !. The silk then shrunk, which again got good reactions before vanishing into pot of bubbles. The bubbles then sent the silk to someone's sock. The kids LOVED the bubbles, they were jumping up and down, popping them, they also loves the silk shrinking, the comedy of the bag having a hole in worked VERY well. I then went to the Silk tube and a coke bottle vanish. I finished up with "once Upon a Time, Proffesoers nightmare and some close up.

I also held a workshop with my version of "the Misers Dream". All in all I giged for over an hour and a half and didn't have to break out the balloons. I had parents telling me the y enjoyed themselves, and the kids were thrilled, including a few kids who struggled to concentrate normally.It seems at every gig at least one parent will tell me they've never seen their child sit still for so long. Is this why I'm the impossible magician? not quit. I managed this gig after a full day of helping out at the superb "Leopold Thorn" and with a foot that is gradually getting worse AND an hours drive. I also  did a little juggling, explaining how it should be impossible for someone with nerve damage to juggle. Parents seem to like that little touch.
In short as I left, with the sound of amazement still in my ears, the warm glow of turning a cynical kid into someone who at least WANTS to believe in magic, I felt like a hero of sorts, Like the character I portray at kids party, a mad man out of time. it felt good, to quote Sigfreid and Roy "what a way to make a living"
SO things I learnt
Organization works
Kids love the magic I have
Parents acept the kids love close up as well as platform
It really is worth me spending more time working on  routines, and developing areas of potential comedy

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Night Circus comes to Colchester

I have blogged before about how not every gig can be your best gig yet. However this one was. For me it was a night of experimentation, chance taking and learning, as well as one massive boost of confidence.

A local T-shop called Tea and Sympathy converts into a nightclub once a month. I love attending these nights as they appeal to my love of surrealism and the ethereal. The very idea of a teashop/boutique suddenly becoming the venue for music and games is it's self nicely strange. However all this is amplified by the nature of the shop itself. The shop is infact two premises knocked into one, as a result it winds and weaves. Rooms lead to other rooms, spiral staircases lead to rooms with low slopping ceilings and tiny door ways you have to bend down to get through.   The two ladies who run the shop are VERY creative (I first performed to mass crowds when I when they ran the children's section of  Colchester Free Festival). The event they hosted this month was based on the book "The Night Circus". It's a book I've looked at before and felt a compulsion to read and so was quite glad to have an excuse to sit down and go through it. The ladies also asked if I, along with my friends, would like to perform. Magic was afoot.

The original concept was for me to perform close up magic through the night and 3 small "parlour" scale shows. The close up did not bother me, I'm very confident in my close up work, but I was a little worried about the parlour scale. I would have muddled through but as my foot is injured I decided it would be best to stick to close up alone. This was a departure from me, the first of a few that night. Normally I did what was asked of me, I didn't try to tweak the conditions too much. I then asked if I could take over a small room at the top of the building. It's the room that requires you to bend down and go through a short walk way so it had an Alice in Wonderland quality to it.  In previous nights the top floor was somewhat neglected and so I was not expecting this to be a problem. The room that lead to my arcane chamber was due to have jam jars containing scents in it, a  nod to a part of the book. This  was another departure  I was about to engage in setting a scene. I set up a laptop computer with a projector. I selected the films of Georges Méliès. To me these fitted the period and the surreal nature of the night.  I suspect the seed of this idea came from reminiscing with a friend about an 18th Birthday Party I arranged nearly 20 years ago. I created a false  ceiling in black about 9 foot off the floor that covered an entire sports hall. I then strung fairy lights under it to create a stary night. I thought I'd never do that now, it's impossible, but younger  me felt much more was possible.

My arcane chamber was decorated with some velvet over the window, my card table, a plasma ball and stools (which I brought from home). Amongst other preparations was a separate sound track to the loop of films, the themes from Mirror Mask and Coralline (more strange circus inspiration) and a few filigree globe fairy lights.

Whether these efforts  got ME in the right mood or the participants I don't know, but what followed was 4 hours of the best magic I've ever done. I didn't have to organise how things worked, small groups of people naturally came in, experienced about 10 minutes of magic and then left to be instantly replaced with more, people were queuing to see me, waiting in the room with the movies. People were every vocal about thier excitement at the magic , not just to me but to everyone in the 'night club'

I didn't have a set routine as such, but tended to perform in roughly this order.
Wee Wee mentalist.
Twilight Angels
Direct Mind reading
Invisible deck
Ambitious Card
Out Of This World.

Some people returned for a second session. Sometimes they  just wanted to sit in and enjoy the same routine as before, they were looking at the faces of the newer participants just as much as they were looking at me. Other times people returned in a small group, asking for more magic. Here I used Cartomancy, or Serial Killer". Every effect was a storming success. Every effect elicited a strong reaction. There was no filler, no fodder. With the presentation style I adopted (namely my natural one) everything just work
Everyone  was enchanted, me more so than anyone else.

  My own excitement meant I had to balance my emotions carefully. It's like a dream where you are flying, You realise it's a dream and you don't want to wake up, so you have to measure your excitement  control it. I needed the excitement and energy to perform, but had to make sure it was not overwhelming. I get the feeling people like the fact I'm enjoying myself, BUT if i displayed total disbelieve at how well things are going then I could come across as needy.

The feeling of the night was one of true enchantment and magic. A slightly other worldly quality which I  always strive for was present. More than one person said they felt my room was somehow in a different realm, where the impossible ocured (made me VERY happy). The pace was friendly and at a chatty place. Whilst I showed great energy the magic itself was at a not quite sedate pace but certainly not rushed. The MAGIC was why people were there, so the MAGIC determined the pacing of the evening.

At times I felt I was doing the magic for real.

So things I've learnt:

I'm good at magic :)

My natural creativity works with my magic

Whilst I may not wish to make demands, I can certainly make suggestions about how events play out.

Magic with a theme can be fun and more powerful  I should spend time constructing shows (maybe even making props and costumes) for different themes. These can then be used 'of the rack' or tweeked for a specific event. Even if I don't use these themes packages of magic they will flex my creative muscles and teach me what I can and can't do.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Magic Circle

I have to posts in my brain, one good, one not so good. I'll get the not so good one out of the way and then really enjoy the good one tonight.

After 12 weeks the Magic Circle FINALLY got back to me. Well actually I prodded them and they got back. I'm not in. Not only that I wont receive any feedback for a few weeks as the guy in charge of feedback is currently  out of the country. Am I disappointed  Yes. Am I upset, not really. My biog fear was that I would feel foolish and want to give up on magic. Luckily I've had some very good gigs lately  I love magic more than ever. Also I'm currently waiting to find out if I have to have my foot amputated, which is great for giving you a sense of perspective. I know there's a cliché of that not killing us making us stronger but it's something which does work for me at least. I often hesitate telling this cliché to friends as some people get knocked down again and again. However I now know what the Circle is looking for, and I'm pretty sure I can deliver it.

  Until then I have MANY magic books to read. I plan to visit the Circle about once a month, enjoy a day in London, visit the Circle and hang out with the guys there and try to get feedback and help for my next exam. I get the feeling we'll be able to apply again pretty soon (October at the latest).

Getting feedback can hurt. It hurts me when I am not fully confident in my own abilities, my confidence has grown as have my abilities, with a bit of practise every day I think I'll be able to handle what ever they throw at me.

As my Childhood heroes  once said......"We are entombed but we live on. This is only the beginning. We will prepare, we will grow stronger. When the time is right we will emerge and take our rightful place as the supreme power of the universe!"

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Impromptu skills and gigs

If I were being paid a half decent rate for every gig I have coming up in the next 3 months then I could make as living as a magician.  Unfortunately I'm being paid for very few of these, and of those I'm charging a low rate.  However unlike other free gigs in the past these ones are more likely to get me future paid gigs. I'm curently making up costumes for Friday's gig (based on the Night Circus) and dreamingup what I intend to perform. I'm rather proud of myself that I'm actaully getting my costuming done a whole 3 days before the gig!

In other news. I got a very cheap dvd on impromptu magic a few weeks ago. I only learnt one of the effects so far (a pen vanish) However vanishing a pen totally impromptu without any equipment has proved very effective.It's a great way to casually bring magic into the room. Muggles seem very impressed with it and it looks liek it has helped score me a kids gig:)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

the insanity of rating good/notbad

Not every gig can be the best gig yet. Eventually you'll have a gig that wasn't as good as the one before. This happened tonight. It wasn't bad, in fact it was good, it just wasn't great. weirdly "not Great" sounds the same as "rubbish". IT went well, people liked the magic, there was very little trouble (the one person kicking up trouble was dealt with by Darren)
So, for me at least it was an okay gig. I have trouble talking over some entertainment, so again, more short effects,. Also I need to let go of my stacked deck for a while and return to my magical roots of free form magic, where I can sit at a table, hold court and just do effect after effect.

H on the other hand had an awesome night. We tucked him away into the prisons and sent people to him, after a Very little while people started heading there on thier own. He was like a little dark magic goblin to be discovered. He used 2 effects over and over but that's all he needed. So as well as short punchy magic maybe I need more effects like his, longer effects where the one effect is like a bot of theatre, and story telling and showmanship take over. 

Also on a personal note, no more sewing the day before a gig. The pain levels took their toll on me, sometimes the pain perks me up, keeps me alert, not tonight, it wore me down. Early night before a gig and the day before spent either reeding or rehearsing in short calm spurts.

So over all, not a bad night, and i still managed to do some very good impromptu card effects at the end of the night (just to perk myself up)| I had two guys totally puzzeld by ambitouse card. BUT  I wasn't as smooth as normall,  I think it's time I looked into repalcing the LePaus bluff pass. I also need to work on my doule lift, it's been a whilse since I sat, deck in hand and double lifted over and o ver for an hour.

So still quite positive,. I'll work on pracising my slights whilst recovering with TVtomorowe, and hit the books big  time on Tuesdasy.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A gig in two halves

Tonight Darren and I performed close up for a local charity gig. Unlike other charity gigs it was paid, yay!  It had a Tudor theme so Darren and I made our own costumes (and I think we both looked rather dashing) We were commissioned to perform close up magic, both whilst people entered and mingled and at tables.
Lets start with lessons to be learnt. As we should  up I rleiased I didn't have an oder of play. As it happened I managed to get the exact details off another act BUT  I should have had a cope written down of who was doing what when.

Then Darren and I got trapped in a lift. No one heard the alarm (apparently it had been disconnected). I releized  that even though I had my mobile on me I did not have the number of the event manager. As it happened  Darren got the first doors open and I managed to get the second set of doors opened but it made me realize how important it is for me to always have contact details with me  AT the gig.

I had a set deck like the one I used last week, a vanilla deck and "Serial Killer". I realized for the welcoming part of the night I could just use "Wee Wee Mentalist" and "4 card trick" with Darren and so left the set up decks until the second shift (we would have a 20 minute break).

The warm up worked perfectly. People loved the 4 card trick and Wee Wee, I was just moving from group to group performing the same effects, or the Professors Nightmare (with the TARDIS explanation). I performed some colour changes and elastic band magic for a chap in a wheel chair which went down very well.

Then the second part of the night. We went upstairs and unwound for a moment before setting up our decks again. I started working my deck, but realized  the tables were crowded and food was being delivered a lot. I I knew "Out Of this World" would be too long. I resorted to Twilight Angels, Direct Mind Reading, (and ONE use of an Invisible deck). I tended to finish with Ambitious card for the lads

Quite a few people asked for a business card which made me feel good. All the responses were positive, although I now think I need some more short punchy effects.

Then the third part of the 2 part gig. Diner, with the band. I had heard of Blayze, an electric String  quartet. Unfortunately I hadn't seen them, so I didn't recognise them, most embarrassing. They were polite over the dinner and we made small  talk about  gigs and snakes, then they went to watch another act. When one came in I performed a little elastic band  magic casually. IT got her hooked, then I reeled her in with Twilight Angels, Direct Mind Reading, Invisible deck. She called the rest of the band over and Darren and I wowed them. Then our friend performed some Contact juggling for them. they also asked for cards and kept saying how impressed they were. This felt good.

We decided to stay to watch them, delaying our visit to another event (we weren't booked or it as such, the hostess just likes us to be there at some point). Standing in a castle, wearing a doublet and velvet scarf, watching Tudors bathed in electric blue light whilst electric string quartet played some of my favourite music made me released, I've so made the right career choice.

What I learnt

GET, KEEP and Take with me, a complete runnign order.

Keep contact details of the event manager on me at the gig

Rehurse in any new costume, work out if I have enough pockets etc.
Double check it's easy to use the bathroom in said costume (a use of a cumaband was a bad idea)

For gigs where I'm working AROUND dinner I need some short, punch effects without too much talking.

When things  quite down my close and personal magic is VERY powerful

I can be engaging

Contact juggling is beautiful


Friday, March 22, 2013

A kids gig with a difference

I meet all sorts of people in Colchester. Sometimes through art events, or the day job in Fabric8, or at the random strange little things I like to go to to show support, such as a picnic in a secret part of the park.  As a result I became know to the local Home School group. Many of the kids have an interest in magic, and one of the groups leaders asked me to put on a magic show. The  idea was to show a little magic and then teach some magic. I didn't want to give away any of the deep dark secrets of the art though. I decided to split the groups into two halves. Older kids would be shown some science magic and then taut 3 card tricks you can find in ANY library. No slights, total self working tricks. The younger kids would get longer show of kids magic and then tautt my own version of the miser dream. It's based on a method on a kids TV show, so I don't think I've given anything away then. As well as teaching them the trick I turned it into a science and engineering lesson by getting them to try different methods of constructing the props.

This worked very well. I was happy with my performance  even without taking into consideration how bad my ankle is. I was not quite as slick with the props as I would have liked, but the routines worked together and made sense. With a little more practise, and some thought given to additional props I think my kids set can become something fantastic. One note, I need to have compartments in my magic box custom built for each prop, and a list of  each prop to check in and out.
I was warned about two kids who were good magicians. The parents worried they'd take over. I arranged to meet them both first and explain the code of the brother hood, explaining they needed to be patient and help me out, which they both did. One  lad was 15 and had a good grasp of magic. I'd say his abilities of actual slights was about the same as mine in fact, he just needs some encouragement and patience in the delivery of material. A 9 year old  blew me away. Typically of younger kids he had a LOT of flourishes, BUT he also had some amazing slights. This kid can do a pass! I did my Erdnase which is always well received, he then did a blink change.

Both kids liked my magic and my flourishes and sleights. Where both kids need work is actually routining the magic, the younger boy can do impressive stuff, but can't link it together, YET, he's 9! byt the time he's 11 I predict he'll be on tv. A while back I would have felt fooling demonstrating magic infront of these two. BUT I know performing is more than slights. That said, I'm going to sit down on Monday, after my next gig, and work on MORE colour changes, and maybe a pass. Slickness is impressive, BUT not essential. But as Maskyline, Devant and I all agree, "good enough isn't good enough".

I've still not heard from the Circle, I suspect I didn't get in. IT sucks but I wont give up, I just plan to hit the books even harder and to improve mightily every week now.

An incident on the bus.

This week was a sociable week, not great with a damaged ankle, but fun. On Monday and Tuesday I rested and read some of "Strong magic" by Darwin Ortiz, as recommended to me by Chris Wood. It's a captivating read with some very powerfull points, more will be written on this at a later date.

On the Wednesday I was preparing for a long day. The morning was to be taken up by a photo shoot for a gig in April. The afternoon  would be spent by watching Poi and juggling before hitting the beer festival in the castle. The photo shoot didn't happen, but Darren and I may have a possible gig at a posh restaurant where went for breakfast. 

On the bus into town for the afternoon I was working through some flourishes and slights listening to the above music. A lady came on the bus with two kids and a pram, Smartly dressed, oriental speaking Mandarin if I had to guess.  I decided to  perform some impromptu magic, to the music only I could hear. A card spring, a fan, noting the queen of hearts and spades, two one handed cuts bring both to the top, a double turn over, and Erdnase, a double turn over, the queens, moving through the deck, losing each other, finding each other, changing into each other. The kids as it turned out spoke English very well, I kept hearing "cool", "Awesome" "it's Real magic", "I've never seen a real magician". It made me realise the importance of what we do, a simple bit of fun will now stay with these girls all their lives, the day they walked onto a bus like normal and suddenly saw the impossible. It felt good. We entertain, we baffle and confuse maybe, but once in a while we enchant, and let people glimpse a world they normally can not see. And for this we can never think of our art of magic as trivial.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Gig night

Still no word on the Magic Circle. It's been 5 weeks now so we have no idea what's holding things up. In this time I've redecorated my studio and shaped it into the arcane study I've craved.  I've also come up with a new filing system for organizing magic effects. I've also been thinking more about if I fail to get into the Circle. The big danger is a feeling of uselessness. Gigging is the natural solution to this. Whilst many Magic Circle members of gone to great lengths to tell me and Darren that we deserve to be in and we're good enough, you can't beat a moment of wonder in participants eyes to make you feel like a magician.

This gig was  quite different form any other. Darren and I would be performing alongside other members of the Mid Essex Magical society. We would be assigned a table and  were told to perform for 12 minutes.  So much like the Magic Circle audition I would have to have an element of structure. Normally when I gig I feel like a mercenary of magic, I didn't have to answer to anyone or do things in a set way, I just got the job done as I saw fit. This was more like being in the army. I had to be regimented. To help with this I designed a new filing systemf or my card magic so I could see what effect followed another effect. The esult of this was a stacked deck primed for many effects

Panic! (the deck vanish)
Wee Wee Mentalist
Twilight Angels
Do as I Do
Out of the world
I was then able t go to
Dierect Mind Reading - IMPOSSIBLE or Ambitious card  or any other impromptu effect.

I also had an invisible deck on me.

I got as far as Direct Mind Reading before running out of time.
Overall every effect was received well, and whilst this isn't my preferred performance situation I'd do it again. However next week I'm back to my favourite style of magic, intimate close up :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Magic Circle audition

Well I had my entrance exam. Did I get in? No idea. I performed all the effects well, and the effects I chose fulfilled the criteria they asked to see.  What I can be marked down for is presentation. This is where we many people lose points. My routine was based on science, talking about dimensions.  Each effect built on the last, leading to two big finishes (ambitious card and professors nightmare). I thought initially it went ok. BUT I received some negative feedback straight  away from a guy I respect. Typically of him he said it in a constructive way and offered help on fixing it. I felt like I had a knife run through my guts. For the next 2 hours I was convinced I had failed. Then in the bar I was told by many people that they liked my routine. Even one person who said he found it too science based  told  me he would have still passed me if he had examined me. So this is how I see it now. Mechanically i did fine, i fulfilled the brief of new and original presentation that was tied together. It's possible I had too many words and not enough magic however.  this shouldn't matter though. So if i get in, great if I fail then it wasn't because of lack of practise or thought or skill, just simply going down the wrong path of presentation style, a decision I made over 6 months ago.

 So the plan of action. If I get in, great. If I don't examine the feedback. The biggest danger is I will feel foolish for believing I could become a magician. This is mental. I've performed very well in a professional setting. I need to keep my confidence up, and my Love of magic. I KNOW if I fail I'll feel bad studying more magic, I also now this is insane, and must fight through it.

So now a 3 week wait, I'm now a lot more hopeful than  was last night.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Prelude to the Magic Circle.

As I type this back I've just returned from the Mid Essex Magical Society. Tonight was important to me, not because of the lecture (which was very good) but because I was due to show some material to two of the senior members. I have shown people what I planned to perform before and they would say "you'll be okay" in a very unconvincing way. They then gave me some hints on my Elmsley Count.  I was performing it too fast due to nerves, snatching at the cards. Working with Darren  we also realised that I had to change the angle of the cards. I've not done as much work as I would like, but have practised a little. My girlfriend  told me my arms were spreading to far apart as well. I demonstrated the "Four Card Trick" with my 2 dimensional routine. It was much better received this time,. both members were very positive, and agreed with my gf's observations. I then showed PANIC a new deck vanish, and "the Wee We Mentalist"  along with my Ambitious card. They were both VERY positive this time. When they left they simply said "Do that next Monday and you're in" I was also complimented on my ability to draw people in to an effect, I was even compared to a Ricky Jay by the way I could take a simple effect with simple moves and build it up and up.

So I'm feeling better about my audition, though still intend to practise for a few hours a day

Thursday, January 31, 2013

100th post, and Big Things

Numbers, the more you look into them the more links you find. it is just random chance that post 100 involves possibly one of the biggest decisions in my magic life. It's random chance that a year and a day after me and my friend first entered the Magic Circle we will be giving our audition performances to be considered for membership.

I have to paint a poster. The poster has to show off many things I can do, it needs to be as wide as a table and 10 minutes long. I have brushes -sleights of varying sizes and shapes- and I have paints to dip then in -cards, cups balls, elastic bands- to paint with. It's the style of painting that is holding me up. There is the temptation to spew everything I know onto the paper ( I never elevated my painting to canvas standards) like some multi coloured finger painting of an overly enthusiastic  child . Here I would hope that examining judges could pick out a hue from the cacophony that they believe I managed to mix rather well. Then there is the temptation to the other extreme, to make a monochrome in one shade of delicate stippling. Here I would be challenging the judges to come closer, to see that I am doing one thing, incredibly well, and not giving a fig if it's the sort of thing they personally like.   As ever in my life I'm drawn to the middle ground. To paint a new narrative using the tools already at my disposal, but then I have so many other works which would demonstrate what they would like to see with only a little tweaking. Then there is the tired cliché about art. It is not what the artist puts in, but what he leaves out. I have a lot of material to draw on, it's becoming more of a burden than an advantage as I need to select my tools carefully.   I still have 12 days, in Dean days that works out at about a month and a half.  For the rest of today I shall sit and play with a new brush and paint that arrived in the post. Then tomorrow I shall sketch two completely different paintings, one on the new science basis I have been toying with, the other based heavily on my "Rapport" set. I shall play and ponder and then decide finally on Monday, where I shall have an unprecedented 7 days to hone my presentations.

I foresee much tea being drunk in the next week.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Art Gallery and pub, developing charachter IMPORTANT

Ok, I  HATE sounding arogant, hell I hate sounding confident a lot of the time. But this post is about finding my way in magic,. and the truth of things.
I've been reading Derren Browns "Absolute Magic" a book purely about presentation of close up magic. It's hard reading, not just because of the elegant prose, but because I find myself stopping after each paragraph to reflect on what Mr. Brown says and to try and shoe horn it into my own performance style.  He talks of not being a whimsical god figure, but of a hero showing people an ethereal world, letting them touch a universe that is next to our own. This has always spoken to me and something I strived to do.
  I attended the art gallery Slack Space to view the work of a friend. Her work was excellent, I was genuinely impressed. Another artist also exhibited, his work was actually moving. I sat down and chatted with people who I know reasonably well,  asking one chap about his trip abroad, then asking another about her time in China. When I was speaking, asking questions,  everyone got involved, I decided to let someone else lead for a while, and noticed the 6 way conversation changed into 3 two people conversations. The social dynamic broke down. I've heard it said that I often "hold court", this was my first attempted to pay attention to the subtleties of what was going on. The result it seams is I am good not just with engaging with people, but facilitating them to engage with each other. I was beseeched when I first entered the building to show a new effect (or an old one) I quickly performed a new effect I  was working on but put the cards away, this was the artists big night, not mine. Later we went to the pub, the cards came out...

A WHOLE HOUR of non stop magical entertainment. 6 people kept fascinated and enthralled with a regular vanilla deck! I only fell back to ambitious card once. I performed "out of this world" on request, I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E, card in hand, aces high, and direct mind reading. The group of six were fascinated, talking constantly about the magic, and I believe enchanted. Oddly enough this started in the gallery. My thoughts on the art, and a few  experiences with I shared with the group, both as a whole and individually seamed to genuinely intreage people. It has been said before I don't need to exaggerate an aspect of my being to get a performing character, I can just be myself. Tonight reaffirmed this. God I sound arrogant, a childhood of believe no-one could like me  has left me feeling dreadful and even pitiful for saying "I'm a likeable guy"

 The icing on the cake, I gave one of the young ladies a lift hoe, I asked her how the magic made her feel. I was prepared for "baffled" "confused" or just "entertained and happy". I got, honestly, no word of a lie "like you were showing us something that's there all the time, but we normally can't see it." I asked her to expand on this and she said it was like when I'm there SHE can do the magic, it's in her I just show her a path to using it. I actually had to choke back a tear, I'm that much of a sap, but mission accomplished I feel. I

So in summing up things I've learnt.

I can entertain a whole table for an hour with 1 deck

I seem to have an engaging personality and interest people

I don't need deep moody mentalisn to give people the sensation of resonant rich magic.

More effects and slights are always good, but what I have is already very good, and can give a deep powerful effect.

You don't need to script an extended metaphor type play to attach meaning to an effect, the emotional response to the impossible can inspire people to create their own meaning

Sunday, January 6, 2013

An interesting night

Just got back from a friends wedding.I was really too trashed to go after a day working in the shop, but I made the wedding dress and needed to see how it was received. (it was universally loved, and I'm actually happy with it). I didn't intend to take much magic as I new I was a lil shaky, so took a vanilla deck and Twilight Angels/ Wee Wee Mentalist.  I sat at a table with a guest I knew reasonably well and tried my 15 card I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E . He struggled with the instructions over the music. (so not one to use when a live band is on) but was impressed. I performed Twilight Angels and got my normal stunned response for a few moments. that felt good.

  On the way out of the venue (I was leaving early due to the aforementioned shakiness) I got asked to do a quick trick for a young lady. As I said I deliberately didn't have much on me, but did a quick "Wee Wee mentalist". a crowd  had gathered and wanted more, so Ambitious card followed, then Card in Hand, then  Direct mind reading, then finding a selected card that had been cut into the deck with muscle movements, and finally I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E. The crowd went wild, and some people kept making a point of the fact it was all done with ONE DECK.  A young boy wanted to learn magic and when I mentioned Mark Wilson's book  he went on line and bought it there and then with his phone (i didn't know 10 year olds could do that). It felt good, I felt energised by the crown even though my body was dying on me. I collapsed in a chair and just chatted. I explained about my work with the free festival and told them of my electric motor made out of a match box.  They seemed interested, and so I should them a video on my phone. The next thing I know I'm being told of a man who makes and sells electronics kits to schools, and how this person works in media and he thinks I could host a a show on using these kits, to be sold along the products. It's possible  nothing will come of this, how ever the mad science seemed to captivate everyone, so I think it's something worth pursuing.
So summing up
 I need less tricks than I think to captivate an audiance

People notice when I only use one deck and are impressed.

 Flourishes and random slights can be mixed in with effects to raise peoples opinion of me

Jazzing magic is fun

Mad science is a natural bed fellow of magic. It's something I should continue  to tinker with. IT's one of those things people seem to expect from a magician, or at least enhances their opinion of one.

My natural personality works well with my magic, i don't need a fake one or an exaggerated persona, I just need to find the right mood.

More impromptu magic (both card and non card) would be good

Friday, January 4, 2013

varied stuff in the wild

Just got back from a music mash up night. As ever for one of Colchester's alternative music nights there were magicians  a plenty. the whole of "Nothing up our sleeves" were there. we spoke f an up coming free gig we're doing for a local charity, our wedding fair event and the show, in particular, when the next one will be. We also spoke of the Magic Circle interview, and what we would do. I decided to try out some previously ignored material on a magic loving audience, who were also logically minded and sharp watchers.

Twilight Angels was my opener though, I'd admit. And it went down VERY well, freaking out a neuro scientist (the hardest audience in the world) . I also  spoke to some people I performed Twilight Angels on last week and they were still baffled and blown away by the effect. it's a strong bit of magic, if it works for the distances involved in the audition. I may use it.

I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E the 15 card impromptu card vanish and mind reading effect also got an outing. Blowing away old audience and the new mind manglers as well. I did it twice for the audience, normally a n no BUT I added time misdirection (by getting Darren to perform an effect in between showings.  The reveal on this is very strong, AND different people were impressed by different aspects. For some it's the fact I knew the chosen card, for others it's the way it disappears and reappears.  So much like "Wee Wee Mentalist" it can be used to work out which form of magic people enjoy.

Four Sight Totally blew away a poker player. I keep neglecting my gambling effects, this is a huge mistake, they are strong and relevant. I guess the message really is tailor the magic to the audience, and knowing a few extra tricks and being confident with your entire rutine lets you do this

One quick note, a girl spotted my Erdenase!, I quickly did the same effect with a Houdini change. she's now convinced that I let her see the method first time to through  off the track of how it's really done. So again knowing more than one method was a life saver.