Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Saying yes to stuff.

Had a great day on Monday with a Wedding Gig.  I worked with a pair of stacked decks preped  for Wee Wee mentalist, Twilight angels and then some impromptu magic effects (Impossible, ambitious card etc).  Had easy time approaching the groups of people and judged which effects for which people. Strangely people kept asking to see the tricks the noticed other people saw, so I only seemed to use about 5 effects all night. After reading old entries of my blog I went with my gut and trusted my personality. IT worked very well. At the end of the night the wedding venue manager asked for my card, wanting to recommend me to other wedding couples.
  When I got in I found an email from a lady who's kid had seen me perform. The young lad wants to demonstrate what he's learnt to me. They asked if I ran workshops.  The next day whilst at Tea and Sympathy I found that workshops were one of the main sources of income for the shop. I decided to hold a magic workshop. I guess all the good feedback is making it easier for me to put myself out there more. This was the first bit of me "saying Yes" to something.  The shop needed a poster quickly. Normally Darren or Inge would make posters for shows. But I had to make one myself, and come up with some "copy" as well. Thus I knocked my own up. Quickly in a basic art package. Ok it's nothing special, but it did the job. Instead of putting it off  I managed to get it done.  If I'm going to make a living as a magician then I need to get involved in these workshops and gigs and be prepared to do my own adverts and "copy". Accept it's not great but will improve over time.   This attitude of getting stuck in is paying off. I've been booked for a primary school's prom. I got this gig because of the reputation I've been building up and the connections from doing small gigs here and there. Slowly, but surely it's all coming together :)

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