Wednesday, November 10, 2010

new trick time methinks

Well we are rapidly approaching another night at the Goth club. The last time I was there I had no real new material. Instead I used this time to actually chat and socialize for once. However I need to build up the repertoire some more and more importantly hone what I have and tweak presentation. I've come up with a way of organising my act. On small card I write the name of the trick, what sort of effect the trick is if it uses slights or not and if the card is stacked. I then in one corner on the bottom write the starting stack and on the other corner the finished stack. This way I can group tricks in to theme (eg psychological, card sharp etc) and then work out the best order to work the effects. I already have a 'Starting Stack' that enables me to go through 'Here then there' and 'Do as I do' followed very quickly with 'Aces High'. Hopefully I'll have time today to work though Mark Wilson's course and find some other tricks that work well with this crowd. (there are MANY tricks very early on in the course HOWEVER some build on earlier tricks and so would feel slightly repative). I may see if I can laminate Paul Daniels 'Age Cards' effect and try it out with a few different presnetation.

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